Discussion: A Cynical Cohen Tells Friends That He’s Not Counting On A Trump Pardon

The two reasons why Trump won’t pardon Fixer Cohen:

  • Nothing gratifies him more than to see someone he knows suffer.
  • Pardons only affect federal crimes. Fixer is in dutch for NY State beefs.

Wouldn’t pardonning Cohen make it dangerous for Trump? He would no longer be in danger of self incrimination when testifying about his antics with Trump & would have to answer.


Plus, I’m pretty sure that pardons don’t cover any subsequent illegal acts like say, perjury or making false statements to federal officials. Cohen would haveta tell the truth to any official asking him, post-pardon, about possibly illegal Trump activities, or face significant jail time for failure to do so honestly. And with all the documentation in their hands, those officials will know if they’re being lied to…