Discussion: 57 Of 103 Young Children Reunited With Parents, Trump Admin Declares Victory

Well, sure.

Like they claim only 64 Puerto Ricans died in Hurricane Maria when the actual toll is over 5000. Let’s face it. Brown lives don’t matter to Trump. There’s no other logical conclusion as he’s been very consistent on this point.

I hope he doesn’t throw paper towels at the poor kids.


Jeez. Only half of the toddlers and babies still in a legal limbo hell. You’re a real hero, President pied piper.


So domestic abuse is no longer a valid reason for asylum, but alleged abuse is a valid reason to take a foreign born child from his parents and keep him in the US under different parantage? Makes sense…


Just wait…it’s coming…“46 out of 103 is 45%!!! This shows 45% of people bringing kids over the border are such horrible people…abusers, traffickers, murderers, rapists, criminals…that they shouldn’t have children and are just a problem waiting to happen if we let them in the country.”


Some days I wished I believed in Hell.

Today, His Satanic Majesty has added a new name to his Abandon All Hope wall:

  • Chris Meekins, chief of staff of HHS’s Office of the Assistant
    Secretary for Preparedness and Response

“… and the rest will make the problem go away by eventually turning 5 all by themselves – Mission Accomplished!”


Hmmm…that’s about 50%…In keeping with their half assed approach to nearly every problem or issue…


I could construct an elaborate set of criteria by which I’m arguably awesome. And yet my creditors still want their money! And complain when I’m late with it! Life is so not fair.


F for effort, as is expected from this clownparty.


The other day I played the Slicey Finger Game with the sharpest knife I had and only lost three fingers and a few pints of blood. I’d call that pretty darn successful for my first time.

Life’s always easier when you use the horseshoe standard of getting things right. It’s not like these are white kids or anything. Is it our fault they didn’t know we were villains?


Disgusting…and I mean every single “American” that is participating in this policy.

Every single ICE employee should have their personal information given to the public. They want to go down this path of fascism? They should answer for it every time they dare walk on the street or try to be part of our communities. You wanna be a Nazi? You get treated like one.


Just the latest in a string of records broken by Donald.


57 out of 103. That’s 55.34%, not even close to a passing grade in any situation I know about.


But heck, you don’t even need 50% to get yourself a presidency.


It’s all about the politics - fuck the actual parents and children involved. Every time they talk they are just lying.

Thank God the day to day well-being of my grandchildren is not in the hands of these evil monsters.


The thing is they keep moving the bar.

The parents who were deported without their kids are in the same “ineligible” bucket as the parents accused of child cruelty. Um, no. Those are failures; the Trump administration fucked up and isn’t complying with the court order because they fucked up so badly.

I am glad they were pressed on what exactly the criminal charges are that are supposedly preventing reunification. Let me guess - endangering the child, perhaps by bringing them across the border, where they may fall into the hands of ICE? The unwillingness to even say what these circumstances are, ones that really should be extraordinary, is less than reassuring. They really don’t seem to be doing much more than sweep what they can under the rug.

The ones who weren’t parents - who were they? Siblings? Aunts? Adoptive parents? Neighbors? Or mix-ups, the results of bad record keeping?

The thing that is missing here is trust. We have no reason to expect that any of the claimed ineligibility cases is legit. I can believe a very few might be, but 46? I don’t think so.


Following the long established practices of the South, the US government under the Trump administration now combs through every clause and exception that allows the inflicting of injustice despite the spirit of the law or of the court orders, all for the sake of a racist agenda.


It was good enough to get Trump through school.


Like I said in a different post, the fuckers are just making it up as they go along - much like their dissembler-in-chief.