Discussion: 5 Points On Violent Proud Boys Clash That Has NYPD Scrambling To Arrest Perpetrators

There was a time when this country fought and won a war against aggressive shits like this. Two times, in fact. Now they fuckin’ run the place. Thanks “Republicans”.




Apparently “Western Values” involve a lot of brawling…


Is there evidence that the PBs instigated violence?

Ah, yes, the “proud boys”, though how anyone who’d join a group with perhaps the dumbest group name in the history of group names could be proud is a mystery to me.

And this:

The police are also looking for two individuals who defaced the club’s headquarters prior to the event, scribbling anarchist symbols

This must be a typo. Surely, instead of anarchist symbols, these were socialist leftist mob Democrat symbols? They’re the only group who’d do something as uncivil as painting a building while a racist speaks civilly inside.

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After watching all the video I could find I can say that it appears the masked men threw something at one of the PBs and they bum rushed him. The other scuffles there isn’t any clear video of the start.

McInnes: “I only celebrated the assassination of a socialist leader. I didn’t instigate any violence.”


Followed by railing against the “socialist” Democrats, in all likelihood. But of course, that’s not instigating violence. Not at all.


… Its website described the far-right bomb-thrower as a “Godfather of the Hipster Movement” …

Being the “Godfather” of the hipster movement is a selling point for Republicans?

Weird. If anything was bipartisan I thought it’d be loathing of hipsters…


Yes. In the same way that “Family Values” encompasses pedophilia and hebephilia, sexual assault, and open marriages. :eyes:


Did you ever read Vice Magazine circa 1996? It was bursting with racial epithets and slurs directed at the gay and lesbian community. It held up the ethos punk as its ideal but it was just a tired and shallow diatribe against “the tyranny of political correctness,” as well as a contemptuous and mocking response to hip hop and dance music, i.e. black urban culture in the 90s. Here were the roots of the hirsute, tattooed Williamsburg hipster—known for embracing a sartorial style that is often referred to as “heritage Americana”, where heritage should be understood as white heritage. Sure there’s the innocent side of hipsterdom (ironic mustaches, PBR, cupcakes, trucker hats, suspenders, bacon), but there’s also the element of the emasculated white male who yearns to be a credible tough guy (authentically!)—Not by appropriating the hyper-masculine tropes of hip hop culture, but by instead nostalgically embracing a white European past. Everything about McInness just screams small penis syndrome. No wonder he loves Trump.


Punks! Can some Republicans go any lower. “Sow the wind…”

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It was three (3) times. The Civil War must be included.


And hand me a 12 pack. To start. Before the next beer run.

With a tip ‘o the hat to O’Kavanaugh.

While I know what you mean, historically there were the Plug-Uglies and the Know-Nothings.

These current names, Incels (involuntary celibates) and the moronic losers the Proud Boys are significantly masochistic. It must be part of fascist psychology.

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So you can believe this biased article or you could click on over to the Proud Boys website and see what for yourself what they are actually about: http://proudboysusa.com/

The Proud Boys are far less politically extreme and far more racially diverse than the idiots who show up at their events to attack them, as is obvious by any of the videos of their events. There continues to be violence at Proud Boy events because antifa goons in black ISIS costumes show up and throw rocks. No antifa, no violence.

True, they had some white nationalists in their ranks initially but they have removed these guys because that is what the organization is about, which stands in stark contrast to organizations like BLM and the Womens March who continually to happily include anti-Semitic Louis Farrakhan supporters, racial separatists, communists and anarchists.

There was a time, during the post-war period, that we had hoped that we had risen above it.

You’re a complete clown if you’re an apologist for the Proud Boys. Their whole philosophy is described as “western chauvinism” and a belief that the “west is the best”, you think that means these kids are champions of Shakespeare and Chaucer? Get real, they’re a bunch of racist goons that love to fight. Sure they might have a few token ethnic members, but the whole purpose is for a bunch of losers to restore their injured sense of masculinity by getting drunk and cracking skulls. Like I said earlier, little dick club.


Don’t be any sillier than you can help.