Next time the Proud Boys go berserk on the Upper East Side will they be targeting Jews as well?
I’d give a lot to know where the Impure Proud Boys get their funding.
Also, you have to come from a Russian troll farm if you think that this undercurrent of racial animus and violence is a “both sides” kinda thing. You cannot compare BLM or the Womens March to the less decorous elements possibly hidden in the Proud Boys “movement”…Let’s be clear, it’s not a movement or even a coherent, substantive ideology. It’s a bunch of drunk jack asses who think the world is their mosh pit.
Ah , Horseface Trumpy`s Proud Toddlers .
“Security” for people like Roger Stone? Let’s just call them what they are. The New Brownshirts…
And of course in typical fashion, projecting their own behavior on the opposition, the alt-right is already labeling “antifa” as ‘brownshirts’. You can’t make this stuff up…
The Brownshirts (Sturmabteilung, lit. “Storm Detachment”): “Its primary purposes were providing protection for Nazi rallies and assemblies, disrupting the meetings of opposing parties, fighting against the paramilitary units of the opposing parties…”
Sound familiar? History IS repeating itself. It’s time we put a stop to this sequel.
No, but he’s using the simple power of suggestion… like that insidious political ad by Sarah Palin that showed various people with crosshairs over them? What does it imply?
I can re-enact the Ides of March, and it could be perfectly innocent. Depending on the context however, it could clearly be suggestive of a future assassination…
“Celebrating the assassination of a socialist leader” while branding certain people active in politics “socialist leaders”? Let’s pay attention to the context, shall we?
It may not be “instigating” violence, but it’s certainly suggesting it, if not outright inciting it.