Discussion: 3 Democratic Congressmen Arrested At Trump Tower DREAM Act Demonstration


A little civil disobedience is a good thing, IMHO. Good on these three for showing true moral courage.


Just so they are available to vote on critical issues ( including but not exclusively DACA). What are the rules about arresting congress people?


“The Senators and Representatives…shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony, and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same…”

Article I, Section 6, Clause 1


Gutierrez gets arrested frequently. This is the 3rd time just this year, I think.

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Looking forward to the headline with “Trump” and “arrested”.

ETA: should have said “Trump arrested” :sweat_smile:


I saw “Arrested at Trump Tower” and was hoping it was Uday, Qusay, Iwanker or Jared.


We can dream too

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Thank you Raul!
Good to see Tucson represented at that demonstration.


Upcoming MAGAPAC ad
“See, both sides get arrested!”
They’ll be using it until '28 at least.

Just Jared?

No one’s come up with anything for him?

Good. Makin’ noise. This is what we should be doing.

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When you are the party that’s out of power, you have to do whatever you can to bring attention to issues that matter to you and your base. Good for them.

On a somewhat related note, i didn’t see much coverage of Pelosi getting shouted down by people who should be supportive of her. What is up with that? When you are the party out of power, you can only do so much, and make compromises to get what you can. Why are they heckling her instead of Paul Ryan? Am i missing something?


Jail-ed? Too soon?


Good for the Congressmen.

Maybe because the Obama Administration deported record numbers of undocumented workers, and they don’t think that just protecting DREAMERS goes far enough.

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They might be able to make a case for breach of peace, but eh…

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I don’t want to say that this is another example of demanded purity and no concessions or compromise will do, but read the account here. That’s exactly what it looks like. This is too important of an issue to be too much all or nothing about. I will get shouted down on this, I’m sure of it. The Dems should surely go with the strategy of a clean bill, but in an all or nothing world where frequently we get nothing, sometimes compromise is all there is:


The time for all or nothing is when you have control of all parts of the government (not talking courts here although that helps) as opposed to none.


Young undocumented activists who disrupted an event held by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Tuesday similarly demanded a “clean” DREAM Act.

If there’s one thing the left continues to do wrong, it’s the circular firing squad when they should instead all be pointed towards “independents” and conservatives.