I am becoming increasingly convinced that these male judges sympathize with the perp because they know some behavior in THEIR past could be considered questionable.
The judge, the perp, and the perp’s father are all vile pieces of shit.
If his name were D’Vante he’d be in prison for 5 years.
Really again? I’d like to ask this judge why a white male student athlete has more protections in his courtroom than an assault victim? Because the trend that I’m seeing here is that these judges don’t understand the concept of consent. I propose that every judge, every empaneled jury sitting on a sexual assault or rape case has to watch the Tea and Consent video.
Prosecutors say Becker assaulted two unconscious 18-year-old women at an alcohol-fueled party in April.
I remember going camping once. Things got crazy and somehow I ended up slathering strawberry jam all over my body. It was really unexpected and unfair of that goddamn bear to maul me later that night.
Rape is a crime. Men are pigs. Drunk men often turn into raping pigs. Some will rape you while sober. There, you've been forewarned, act accordingly.
All the language is about letting him get on with his life. Because, y’know, he’s a white male athlete, so his life is going to be full of great accomplishments. Unlike a black teenager who shoplifts, who obviously wouldn’t make anything of his life if a court decided to let bygones be bygones.
Y’know, there was a time when raping unconscious women was supposed to ruin your life, and that was one of the reasons you didn’t do it.
So what are the odds he fails his probation requirements within the year and the judge finds another reason not to send him to prison?
Here’s what happen to black people. Same state, although slightly different charges. Rape in Caliifornia is penetration with a penis (I’m pretty sure), and sexual assault is penetration with something other than a penis… I saw an interview with Banks, and he focused on how whites were treated with a certain level of deference while going through the legal process, and blacks were just pushed through the system, which seems to be what happened with Brock Turner. Banks was a star athlete, too, but being black wasn’t enough to overcome the bias the system. White + wealth makes you a winner in the legal system.
I usually like your take on things but this one I disagree with your statement:
Not all men are pigs, not all men rape, and therefore it should not be up to females to treat all men as pigs/rapists. Punishment for the crimes of rape and sexual assault need to be meted out without favoring the criminal, or his potential while trampling the victim’s right to justice.
The world and the people in it can be unpredicatable and cruel. Media are rife with stories of college campus sexual assaults. I’m not saying it is commonplace or rampant, but it happens frequently. I don’t know about anyone else, but when I’m faced with entering into a situation ripe for problems I give very careful thought to doing it at all. If an animal specialist told you only 1% of skunks were rabid you wouldn’t reach out to pet one and say to yourself “I have a 99% chance of this going well.” Answer this, how many college women have to get drunk, pass out, get raped and have the story make the national news before, as a class of potential victims, college women quit getting drunk at co-ed parties and passing out? Does a sense of caution, self preservation and situational awareness ever set in?
Yeah, it sucks to view all men as potential rapists. Get over it. Life, the world and the people in it are often criminal and cruel. Often enough to alter your behaviors and choices accordingly.
As for the rapists? Lock them up and throw away the key.
Putting this kid in jail for two years would have destroyed this kid’s life.
Srsly? I think that male judges have no idea of the extent to which being violated destroys the victim’s life. These women will never be the same. That’s two lives being more or less dismissed.
I suspect the complicating factor in a lot of these cases is the sex offender registry. It’s a life sentence. It means you can’t get into any educational institution. You can’t get a decent job, ever. You end up having to live in the boondocks somewhere, for the rest of your life.
Maybe it’s time to rethink that approach. Put the kid in jail for a year, then put him on probation for the next five. If he stays out of trouble, maybe it’s time to seal the records.
Instead, we’re deciding that this is a completely disposable, irredeemable person, incapable of turning into a decent human being, and we’re going to marginalize him until he dies of old age. Maybe that’s why judges end up doling out what appear to be inadequate sentences.
If one drunk driving conviction resulted in a lifetime ban on driving, there would be almost no drunk driving convictions.
In the Brock Turner case Stanford U allowed alcohol at undergrad parties on campus. This high schooler got alcohol from someone old enough to buy it - not that alcohol excuses a rapist - but why isn’t the law going after those who supply the alcohol? I think it’s against the law to provide alcohol to underage drinkers and the sources of alcohol would dry up pretty quickly if law enforcement went after the “responsible” adults.
God, can you ever just shut the fuck up about something you know zero about? Just once?
Would it be accurate to tell a person in Aleppo the conditions they confront reasonably causes them fear? Would telling them they shouldn’t have to have that fear mean a damned thing to them?
Rape is a problem in this country, and a serious crime. Punishing it lightly probably contributes to the problem. But telling women it’s unfair they have to fear it is nonsensical, it’s happening, far too often. Contrary to the misguided idea people have the U.S. is a civilized nation where people should be able to go about their business relatively safely it isn’t such a nation. Tens of thousands die from senseless gun violence. Should they? Not in an ideal world. You wouldn’t tell a person to ignore the dangers of being around people loosely brandishing guns. Why would you tell a woman it “should be ok” to be around men they don’t know very well (or even those they do) when they’re both extremely drunk and at an age where their hormones and sexual drive are at a mazimum level?
The United States isn’t some damned safe, crime free utopia. Bitching because you can’t go about your daily life as if it is, or should be, is fruitless.
Please let me know why we can’t have a discussion that emphasizes the brutality of rape, the necessity of harsher sentences for convicts, and the elimination of “rape culture,” without the tagline, “men are pigs.” Men are not pigs. Some men are sexual predators, criminal sexual trespassers, violent criminals and promoters of a vile mysogynistic culture that promotes disdain for victims and leniency for offenders. Other men, the overwhelming majority, are fathers and grandfathers, husbands and partners, pharmacists, lawyers and window washers, and law-abiding citizens. Just saying.
Until someone invents special X-Ray glasses that lets women discern the good from the bad should women choose the default mode of assuming they’re all good?
10 years with time off for good behavior (if not life without parole) would have been justice.
Also, young people, especially women, should be warned about drinking to the point of blacking out. It makes them vulnerable to the acts of despicable criminals.
This is nothing more than victim blaming. Drunk girl was asking for it. I guess it’s too much to ask for men to show some respect and not take advantage of a situation that is becoming seemingly less and less criminalized. Screw the rest of their privileged white lives. This comes down to fear of whites losing power in this country.
I haven’t seen the gender breakdown for the deaths due to gun violence. I suspect it may tilt towards men.