If you climb into a car with a loaded handgun laying on the seat, and end up getting shot by that gun before the night is over, you didn’t “ask for it”. But why the hell upon seeing the gun did you go ahead and get in the damned car?
AccusedConvicted Of Rape Gets 2 Years Probation, No Jail Time
Rape culture coddles confessed rapists even at TPM.
“He was ***charged with rape and indecent assault and batter***y on a person over 14 but pleaded guilty last week to indecent assault and battery.”
You’re guilty of whatever plea the court accepts. Evidently he didn’t plead guilty to the rape, ergo he is not ajudicated a rapist.
I agree with you on most levels when you think about the vast number of fully-functional, relatively upstanding adults in our country. Over all, we are usually pretty mature by the time those examples apply. Never mind that 40% of them somehow think voting for tRump is a good idea…
But we’re not talking here about “men” in the mature, father, etc. sense. (Yes, there are sexual predators on college campuses that do this with forethought. However…) Overwhelmingly, the males we are talking about are today’s often over-parented, entitled boys (possibly of legal age) that go to parties and drink their asses off because… ALCOHOL!!, then do whatever the heck their barely-functional, lizard brain tells them to do. They usually have no experience with drinking in moderation and certainly have very little regard (in the moment) for the repercussions of anything. There is an overwhelming desire to lose their virginity, because that’s what “a man” does and sex is so often about them only.
I do believe your being WAAAAYYYY to kind
Becker’s lawyer, Thomas Rooke, defended the sentence. “Putting this kid in jail for two years would have destroyed this kid’s life,” he told Masslive.com.
If this kid’s life were destroyed, it would not be because he was put in jail for two years, it would be because he chose to break the law by raping someone.
I’ve got to support steviedee on this one because most of the responses are shallow and like single-issue voting.
Of course rape should actually be punished appropriately. (Or have their “lives ruined.”. Whatever.)
Of course all men aren’t rapists.
Of course the women should not be the ones blamed for some asshole raping them.
Of course we need to change male behavior and societal stereotypes.
Black parents shouldn’t have to worry their children will be killed because they are black. But they do, and rightfully so. Therefore, most of my friends tell their kids to be super, extra careful when interacting with law enforcement, and not to be in a sketchy situation to begin with.
I just stood five hours in SRO at a Metallica concert with my 170#, 6’ tall, 16 year-old son (his first in this type of setting). Do you think I didn’t discuss being crushed to death by a stampede or beaten up in a mosh pit? Sure-as-hell I made it really clear that could happen and what to do if.
In a similar vein, we should all be making our daughters very aware that some males are drunken pigs that “only want one thing.” (Don’t we already tell them that?) It’s true and I would rather my daughter not be drunk anywhere (Dad!!), and certainly not with some immature, horny, drunk guy that she likely doesn’t know all that well (Dad!!). If you want to have sex, then fine, just be careful and actually intend to have sex. Don’t let it be thrust upon you. But that’s a different topic.
Stop acting like any discussion that includes not getting fall-down drunk places responsibility entirely on the woman. There is a vast difference between how you dress (She was asking for it!) and being unable to consent (or not) because you are too fucked up to know the difference.
When there are large numbers of drunks playing on the train tracks, someone will get hurt. So maybe you shouldn’t do that.
He’ll rape again; he’ll get caught eventually.
How about you change the title to 18 Year Old RAPIST Gets 2 Years Probation since he PLEAD GUILTY and is no longer just an accused rapist.
“Accused”? How about “Convicted,” or “Confessed”? WTF, TPM?
Special X-ray glasses can also be called women’s intuition, but alas, the young ones are not taught what it even is much less how to listen to it.
To be fair, when white boys do it, it isn’t actually “real” rape.
ETA - there is so much wrong with this case that it could consume me for days. But, the logic in this needs to be highlighted:
I could walk up to a person on the street and shoot them in the head. Probably take me about 10 or 15 seconds.
So, I guess about a month’s probation and my record gets expunged would be just about right, because I would pay a “steep price” or some yadda yadda such or another. [ insert hand waving and dramatic music to demonstrate the logic of how much I am suffering ]
Also, agree with several comments above: this is one of the most disgraceful and misleading headlines that TPM has used to completely mischaracterize the content of what actually happened.