Did State Help Giuliani Strongarm Ukraine? | Talking Points Memo

As President Trump and his attorney Rudy Giuliani mounted a pressure campaign on Ukraine to manufacture dirt on Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden, they may have received help along the way.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1250917

Let me just say, when this administration is over, there should be a whole-heck-of-a-lot of indictments. The biggest problem isnā€™t Trump, itā€™s the feculent nidus of the GOP that enabled him in the decomposition of our laws and norms. The fact that the State Department was involved in this Ukraine business just highlights how pervasive the rot is in the GOP. Thank goodness there are still some people like the whistle-blower who love this country. I realize people like Schumer and Pelosi want to keep working with their opponents on the ā€œother side of the aisleā€ (a bizarre phrase for POS traitors, IMO), and they are going to give them cover to distance themselves from Trump. This is a huge mistake. One, however, that we will watch happen in slow-motion.


I really hope this country is able to wrap its minds around the depth and the breadth of this corruption. It is so overwhelming, we are in a daze. Iā€™m not betting on the intelligence of most Americans to be able to do the necessary critical thinking.


Drain the much enlarged swamp.


If we do not end up declaring Drumph our Beloved, Dear Orange Diaper-Stain for Life, then he, his family, and practically every member of his administration, from his Cabinet, to those two stoners in the White Houseā€™s personnel office, are going to end up in jail. And everyone on his damned campaign. All of them. I cannot imagine a middle ground. If we keep our republic, then theyā€™re all going to jail. And the GOP will be dead, unelectable. Everything Trump Touches Dies.


It is clearly time for heads to start rolling in the State Dept. as well as the White House. Pompeo? Volker? I envision a whole line of perp walks. The corruption of the Trump administration seems to know no end.


Donā€™t forget how effective the GOP has been at voter suppression. If you feel your voice wonā€™t be heard, itā€™s hard to get motivated to be more involved in saving our democracy.


We definitely need the truth about all the things that happened, it all needs to be aired out and all the dirty deeds assigned to the responsible parties. They shouldnā€™t be allowed back into government again, for sure, and the Republicans that stood in lock step with all of this should pay a big price. The ones that stayed silent will skate by, as people like that always do, but the people like Graham, who bear hugged Trump, really need to pay for enabling him.

In some ways, doing this argues against electing Biden, heā€™s a ā€œget alongā€ kind of personā€¦nothing particularly wrong with that usually, itā€™s required for government to function, but in this case it will sweep things under the rug that just cannot be swept. Warren would for sure call for investigations and housecleanings in all of the executive offices. I would expect her to nominate strong people for the positions that would be required for this as well, people like Harris or Sally Yates as Attorney General. People like that will push for thorough investigations, based on factsā€¦thatā€™s important too, we canā€™t fall into the Republican behavior of witch hunts and false accusations.


The State Department issued a statement on the matter Sept. 9, saying that Giuliani ā€œdoes not speak on behalf of the U.S. Government.ā€

Ideally, you want the person speaking on behalf of the US Government, the cousin-marrying freak smuggling microfilm in his dentures while he interviews underage Ukrainian models for the role of Next Trump Wife, and the crazy old man screaming at strangers from the front lawn without any pants to be three separate people.


I still think weā€™re not well informed. Suppression is only part of the problem.


Elijah Cummings will take this issue and run with it in the impeachment inquiry.


Quite true, however thatā€™s a function of ignorance ā€“ and, often, being targeted with deliberate misinformation ā€“ not intelligence.


In an ideal world this should be the case, but we left ā€˜idealā€™ back at ā€œtruth is not truthā€.


And now a little OT

ā€œThe President actually said to Nancy Pelosi, ā€˜Hey, can we do something about this whistleblower complaint, can we work something out.ā€™ And she said ā€˜Yes, you can tell your people to obey the law.ā€™ So she quickly swatted that down." - @HeidiNBC

ā€œCan you see your way clear to letting me go?ā€


I think heā€™s starting to look like a LEGO guy.


Okay, as a vocab geek, ā€œfeculent nidusā€ gives me great joy. Donā€™t hear ā€œfeculentā€ very often, and hadnā€™t to this point heard ā€œnidusā€, so I learned a new word and more importantly a very apt description of the GOP.



Among the many laws that Trump has shown to be ineffective and needing of reform, ā€œstatute of limitationsā€ laws definitely need to be revisited. If someone is actively immune from being indicted, due to their office or any other factor, the statute of limitations must be put on hold until they are no longer immune to said indictments.

Many of Trumpā€™s crimes will have run out SoL by the time he leaves office in Jan 2021. If he gets reelected, the only things for which we can convict him in 2025 will be crimes he committed during his second term. That is, frankly, BS, and in a country that loves to utter the phrase ā€œno one is above the lawā€, we have to fix this one major loophole or forever lose all ability to say that phrase with a straight face.


There are two types of employees at the State Dept, career and political. The career people work through many presidencies, while the political people come and go with the current president. Generally speaking, the career people keep things on an even keel from administration to administration, but that seems to have broken down in this administration. Generally speaking political people donā€™t have as an objective bringing down democracy in favor of autocracy. Trumpā€™s people seem to be totally into turning Trumpā€™s time into a lifetime appointment and are eager to help in any way the WH requests. When this mess gets sorted out, a whole bunch of those political appointees need to be thoroughly investigated and potentially spend a stint in a federal prison.

Yay for the career guy in Egypt who was denied the option to warn the NYT journalist who was going to be arrested, which is one of his job duties. Evidently Trump didnā€™t like the journalist because he wrote mean things about him. The career guy called the Irish embassy (the journalist being Irish before he was American) and they came and wisked the journalist out of Egypt. Iā€™m betting the career guy just put his job on the line. Career vs political.


Iā€™m not a lawyer, but I am given to understand that in civil cases, at least, the statute of limitations does not toll under a wide variety of circumstances, and Iā€™d be surprised if there were not similar rules for criminal cases, as well.


Wonder how many officials of this maladministration might decide itā€™s a good time to take their leave?
On another note, I cannot believe the Ghoul was ever mayor of NYC. What a nightmare.