DeVos Dodges On CDC Guidelines | Talking Points Memo

Now combine that stance with the other top 10 symptoms he displays. It’s easy enough to explain most of them if you take them individually, but almost impossible to come up with any other explanation when they are all taken as a group. The mental test that he “aced” (identify a camel, etc.) is ONLY give when there is some sign of a mental deterioration like dementia. The doctors saw something for sure.


My first year teaching elementary school I caught every single thing the kids came in with - I had no immunity. After I used up my sick days I just came in sick. Now imagine that with a virus with no immunity, no vaccine, no cure, and where you are contagious before you are symptomatic. Parents will send their kids to school with minor symptoms rather than take a day off work themselves.

Not a few teachers have just announced that they will resign rather than risk dying, no matter how dedicated they are - considering also they risk infecting their entire family.


So the parents can go back to work and his “numbers” will get better and better numbers will get him re-elected so he doesn’t end up in prison for another 4 years. Also he will have 4 more years to steal more money from taxpayers so he can afford the lawyers he’ll need after they take his properties for back taxes.


Funny thing. It feels like another four years will not happen one way or another. This country is primed and ready for something radical. If Trump continues, it will not longer be about votes and campaigns. That is the part that worries me. No idea where that roller coaster will come to rest.


I heard something sad last week. My friend’s teenage daughter who has not been in class since March and is that age that can’t get much of a job and is having a boring summer, really wants to go back to school in the Fall. Geeez, if only teenagers felt that way in normal times.


The collective “we” as Americans.


hahahaha for all y’all know, she walks in the front door and right out the side. hahahaha

Sorry that’s what I did in high school.


My friend and I did that a few times until her mother caught us.

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So DeVos says educators are "smart people who can figure things out.” But if they figure out that opening schools amounts to reckless homicide, then DeVos will try to strip them of funding.

It would be a crime if a mob stormed DeVos’s compound and dragged her out of her and her right-wing nut job husband out of their mansion and tarred and feathered and drove them through the streets. It would be wrong and a sin. But I would have a hard time feeling bad about it. She is a powerful and wicked person.

I think if you go down the list for frontotemporal dementia, PSP variant, he’s a pretty good fit to this layman’s eye. The problem with Trump is he clearly had underlying issues all his life—severely dyslexic, according to Tony Schwartz, with maybe other learning disabilities thrown in. He knows next to nothing. He was reasonably articulate decades ago, even five years ago, compared to now. So it’s a mix and only the best doctors would be able to sort it all out for you after his sitting for the tests his niece points out he won’t sit for. I wouldn’t let him watch my cat.



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The more Dana Bash kept asking the same question, the tighter the smile from Bets. Thought her jaw was going to shatter.

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I wouldn’t trust him if he were sitting in an outhouse wearing a muzzle.

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[quote=“quitty, post:24, topic:192823”]
The article doesn’t say if she was a union member or not. Maybe they should start including that detail
[/quote] Arizona teachers have an association, not a union- it’s a right to work state. If you follow up on the story, three teachers were teaching summer school remotely from a single room, socially distanced and masked. One of them worked at the local general store as a second job- so possibly came in contact with a Covid positive person there. It’s a rural area about 75 miles from Tucson and 125 miles from Phoenix. It’s a very sad story and a warning that we really don’t know how we’ll be able to return to normal gatherings in schools, workplaces and so on.

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This woman reminds me of nothing so much as a fucking ghoul. A mindless, soulless empty ghoul. Her willingness, make that eagerness, to sacrifice the nation’s public school children is on par with Nazism. There are a few other things that I’m thinking about her as well, but they are less complementary, so I will just keep them to myself.


We aren’t going to be able to reopen schools unless we get general control of the virus. That isn’t going to happen unless we close down hard and stay closed down until the virus is declining and stays declining for at least two weeks. I think that is the CDC guideline the Republicans don’t want us to reach. They want us to reopen in the middle of the pandemic because they think that will save the economy. It won’t but their insistence will destroy any chance of reopening schools and heading off a major disaster for the American economy starting in Arizona, Florida and Texas with Georgia right behind.

Her brother is Eric Prince of Blackwater/Iran Contra fame. He’s currently said to be offering lethal services to Russia’s mercenary firm Wagner. (I wonder if they have bounties on American heads?). Quite the family; making America (or is it Putie-Pute?) great. Well, perhaps she can mandate that all the private schools teach Russian as a second language. It will make things so much easier when they go to change their family fortune’s dollars to rubles.


Perhaps she can have the government hire one of her brother, Eric Prince’s mercenary firms like Blackwater to keep order and discipline in the public schools.

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