To me the question is whether the assertions he makes about assets and income when he’s borrowing money contradict the ones he makes when he’s paying taxes and whether DB would have access to both. They seem very cooperative, let’s say, and they may not have wanted to know. That’s where the fraud would happen.
Deutsche Bank assets should be frozen, its executives should be arrested and it should be banned from doing business in America.
Christmas just might come early this year…
Ultimately, yeah, but let’s see what the documents say first.
I don’t know how one would prove that the documents had been sanitized. As someone above said, they’ve had four years to ‘adjust’ them.
I’ve become numb to this stuff. Look at how much we KNOW Trump’s done and yet nothing is done to him. Fuck his financial dealings. Just get him the hell out of that White House.
Yup …
I agree - but in cuffs would be the best, wouldn’t it? As I said to dear hubby this morning, Trump and Barr can’t do a thing about this. It’s going forward whether they like it or not. And it will go forward.
I read (somewhere) that it might not be about DB and DJT, but instead about the NRA.
It isn’t just here that Donnie Boy’s facing trouble. I read an article in Mother Jones yesterday about his Scottish golf course developments. Some Scots MP want the government to seek an Unexplained Wealth Order against Donnie Boy and the Trump (Dis)Organization. If I understood it correctly, that is essentially a money-laundering investigation against the parties.
Then however are you going to launder those massive bank transfers coming from Eastern Europe, honey?
The real news here is that the world banks now see Trump as only a real liability. He’s overextended himself again no doubt. Nobody is afraid of the big bully.
If Deutsche is ready to dump on Donald, The Trump Organization is in for a really bad year. The Hatch Act is but a tip of the iceberg when it comes to their upcoming problems.
And with what the Cyprus banks gave over on the moneylaundering side to Mueller, Donald is sure to be brought before federal grand juries after January 20, 2020. Can’t wait to see the transcript of that interview after seeing how horribly he handled himself in the Axios interview.
You don’t get to have staff or even a lawyer present when being questioned by a grand jury. It’s just you, the prosecutors armed with mountains of evidence and a jury of usually poor people who are highly interested in finding out how they have been cheated by the Top 1%.
Better get a new pair of tap shoes, Donald. You going to be doing a lot more dancing around the truth than you have ever had to in your entire life…and it will all be under oath in a criminal court. One false move and it’s straight to a prison cell for you.
I was JUST about to chime in with the same comment.
It would seem obvious that it’s about Deutche Bank and money laundering. But NRA is being bandied about as well. And I’m good with them saying “Russia was behind all the funding to the MAJOR REPUBLICAN PLAYERS” - Trump, McConnell
They don’t HAVE to indict the Trump crime family at this point for this to be valuable. Just ‘proof positive’ the Russians are controlling the purse strings.
Not that I think it’s necessary - but this would even adhere to the so-called 90 day rule.
Too early for popcorn?
After Donnie welshed on his casino loans, the big New York banks had a term of art: Donald Risk. They all decided that the Donald Risk was too high to deal with him any more. And they haven’t dealt with him since.
That’s an old story that only tell a tiny paragraph is the multi-volume multi-generational tale of Russian money laundering. A lot of Russian money was just moving off-shore and back-onshore in order to escape taxes. For example, Gazprom, had to move $5 billion through partly captured Icelandic banks to access Europe and North American markets without detection. One Nordea branch in Estonia cleaned something like $7 billion. And have pity on the poor Cypriot banks. So much laundry!
Yeah, plenty of examples out there, just picked one of the easy ones. DB has a long history of sleaze.
At the very least this demands attention…and a few more casual Trump voters leave the Fold.
DB is in deep doo-doo on a number of fronts, they are not in position of sticking their neck too far for Trump, especially since there is a good chance he will not be in office next year.
Or his mental psychopomp.
How about the tax returns, too?