Detroit Sees First Population Increase Since the 1950s

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Thomas is still refusing to reveal whether he repaid the principal on the $267,000 loan…

You know how you hate to admit to having fulfilled your agreement to pay off a loan.
And although we don’t own an RV, and are unlikely to purchase one, I have to imagine the horror of ending up next to those two at some random RV park. I realize that they are unlikely to go to a KOA, but still…


I’m a Barry Sanders fan, so Go Detroit!

I should have bought a house there back when you could get one for $4,000.


I can only imagine the sound of Lawrence Welk blaring from their external speakers.


Great one this morning, David. Just this spring I gave a paper about post-War development in Detroit, and the way that the construction of Spur Highway 351 eradicated the entertainment districts of Black Bottom and Paradise Valley. Part of a nationwide tactic to contain and choke off Black neighborhoods: see, the impact of Moses’s Cross-Bronx Expressway on the birth of hip hop.




Just another signpost on the way to an uninhabitable tropics.


I love the story about Detroit. It is so good to have something other than Donald Trump lead above the fold. Way to go David.


No wonder the Egyptians worshiped Bastet.


Happy National Pickle Day!!


And those people have to go somewhere, right? Just like early man.


Thugs kill a unarmed jewish man without provocation.




I was born in Detroit in 1965, grew up in the suburbs, and went to high school right next to a Wayne State satellite campus. This was the era of race riots and school bussing; Coleman Young was mayor during most of that time. My lilywhite family feared going downtown, and I can count our excursions down there on the fingers of one hand. I believe that their (relatively soft) racism was based on that fear, rather than hatred or a sense of black inferiority.

Their fear was a big part of my youthful attitudes towards the city. I’m now very proud of being a native Detroiter and am eager to do more research into the city, especially in those crucial decades after WWII.


That stunning picture of your beautiful kitty should grace the pages of The Official Kitties Thread ll in the Hive!


Thomas is still refusing to reveal whether he repaid the principal on the $267,000 loan that he received from Anthony Welters

Of course he didn’t. And that amounts to income that he certainly didn’t report on his tax returns.

But he doesn’t need to worry. Garland is too much of a woos to bring charges.


Back in the late '60s, three of the eight to ten members of my medic squad came from Detroit.


My wife and I would sometimes cruise through Indian Village, marvelling at the century-old, 4,000-8,000 sq ft mansions built of brick, marble, and Pewabic tile, selling for less than $500k (at the time). We actually briefly considered buying one with my sister and her husband because we could basically each have our own “wing” of the house. If you could airlift those houses into the suburbs they would price at $5,000,000. The neighborhood was a fascinating glimpse into Detroit’s “golden age” when, as my dad (born and raised in the city) would say “Chicago had nothin’ on Detroit.”

I love the city, my dad would take us “downtown” often, and I learned how to navigate the city’s byzantine streets from him - he was a master. To this day the majority of people I know still would never consider venturing into the city, but we are old and were conditioned to fear the city. I don’t, and love going into the city as often as we can (not enough).

I’m so happy that the city has turned the corner, but wow is there still a long way to go. Read somewhere that Detroit has more vacant land than Paris has land. It’s believable. The core of the city has rebounded but the outskirts (it is after all a huge city) still needs so much.

So yeah, Go Detroit! And get the rest of the sports teams on the Lions track. Detroit sports, that’s a whole 'nother story…


I wonder how many hours it took for someone to create these costumes? And this reinforces my opinion that putting things on one’s head can be a really bad look.


I lived in Ann Arbor in 2010, and some colleagues and I went on a trip to Detroit one day. I was saddened – such beautiful Art Deco buildings in downtown, and such emptiness along the gap-toothed streets. I’m glad the city is finding its way back. Credit to city leaders (Mike Duggan), Dan Gilbert, and a community that refused to give up.