DeSantis Takes A Beating As Another Big School District Defies Him On Masks | Talking Points Memo

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ (R) attempts to prevent school districts from implementing mask mandates are largely backfiring at this point.

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Good. Straight talk and direct action are the way forward. Hit these fuckers in the mouth again and again.


When the next hurricane threatens Florida, will DeSantis say evacuation is optional?


The DeSatan beatings will continue until sanity/humanity returns.

So basically, the beatings will continue.


Indeed, evacuation takes away FreeDumb.


"Trump is a weak man’s idea of a strong man." – George Will

"DeSantis is a weak man’s idea of a strong man." – me


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ (R) attempts to prevent school districts from implementing mask mandates are largely backfiring at this point.

DeSantis is a loser, isn’t he, exercising his spite for Democrats with the lives of children. Actively preventing other public officials from helping Florida’s citizens is borderline criminal, especially when a significant outcome of his actions is death.


One of our grandkids started his first day back to school in Miami today. Too young to vaccinate, but fully masked (it’s a private school so he’ll stay masked). Kid was so excited to go back to school he almost forgot to wave goodbye to Mom.



Vaccines are bad but horse medication from the feed store is great.


Fourteen child plaintiffs and their families — including three from Central Texas — have filed the first federal lawsuit against Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Texas Education Agency Commissioner Mike Morath, advocacy group Disability Rights Texas said Wednesday.

The suit alleges the state’s executive order, which prohibits school districts from enforcing mask mandates, puts children with disabilities “at significant risk, is discriminatory, and violates the federal Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act.”


But did it get rid of his worms? Incomplete reporting, IMHO.


Cardona sent a letter to DeSantis last week saying that the administration can use federal funds to make up for reductions in funding that the state may withhold from school district leaders who refuse to comply with the governor’s ban.

So the endgame is the Feds will fund education in red states and we can then lower our property taxes (which in TX is sole funder of public schools)?



DeSantis Takes A Beating

… a simple request … could that please be - severely, hourly and literally …


If she’s this sick, isn’t she too late for the treatment? And what is the librarian supposed to do anyway?


Dear God, things are exquisitely fucked up in the shining city on a hill, aren’t they?


Sick or dead kids have a way of focusing the mind.

The only questions is why DeSantis and the GQP thought they would ever win a battle where they are asking parents to literally send their kids into COVID hotspots. Its like asking them to send their kids into a burning school with little to no protection. Only the most delusional or dedicated MAGAs would even consider it.


Tell them to be quiet. No moaning, wheezing or any other vocalisation of agony. This is a library!??


This guy ( chief of staff to former Florida Gov. Bob Martinez and a longtime Republican strategist) does not mince words.

Ron DeSantis is a governor uninterested in actually governing, a lawyer with little respect for the law, an anti-elitist with an Ivy League education and a hypocrite unbothered by inconsistency. Populist politics, not public policy, is his long suit.

He saw an irresistible opportunity to pander to the MAGA peanut gallery on a grand scale.

He and whoever gives him what passes for advice in such matters realized the voucher threat was not going to get the job done. Not enough parents in Broward and Alachua were going to take advantage of the vouchers to make a difference, as evidenced by the low percentages of parents who have opted out of the quasi-mask mandates in the compliant school districts.

The next threat was to cut state education funding to Broward and Alachua, which would be disastrous. But because it would be disastrous, the threat was not credible, and it was quickly abandoned.

Then there were going to be “surgical” cuts in state funding, specifically, the salaries of the defiant school board members and superintendents. Nope. The state doesn’t pay those salaries, a fact known to my barber, if not to DeSantis and his brain trust.

he most recent fallback position in DeSantis’ pell-mell retreat from the high water mark of his arrogance is reducing state funding to the rebellious districts by an amount equal to the salaries of the school board members and superintendents. This would not, of course, actually cost the individuals in question a dime, and the relatively small reductions — three-tenths of one percent of the school district budget in Broward and six-tenths of one percent in Alachua — could easily be backfilled with funds from budget reserves.

And even that might be unnecessary, because the Biden administration, sensing a high-profile opportunity to promote masking and ding DeSantis in the bargain, weighed in and said it is prepared to make up any reduction in state funding to the districts with federal dollars. Whether that proves possible is not as important as the statement it makes.


Wel if ivermectin kills we are going to have a lot of dead republicans

How anti-vaxxers weaponized Ivermectin, a horse de-wormer drug, as a COVID-19 treatment |