A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo.
For big picture purposes, let me just make this clear off the bat: Ron DeSantis’ position on U.S. support for Ukraine is still unclear. But that is largely beside the point.
Democrats will seize on any hearings to publicly grill Republicans on whether they have been communicating with Trump’s legal team
I’m not knowledgable in this area of legal proceedings. But I do know that it is a serious no-no if Trump’s attorneys are using congressional officials to obstruct a DA’s investigation.
Hearing a lot of “End Times” talk from white Christian nationalists now. They hung their hats on Trump and he went down. He’s not looking too good right now either. They attached their identity to him and they don’t really know wtf to do now.
The Russians are running out of tanks and they are bringing in T54/T55 tanks from the Far East that have not seen service since the late 1940s. What is Tucker Carlson and the Republican Party going to do when Russia brings back the T34s.
Evangelical preachers who have sold out to political interests are facing a decline in attendance, and most importantly cash offerings. It seems the actual Christians in their organizations are giving their spiritual source its due, while giving Caesar the finger.
Many of you have questions about Russia and my son sent me this video last year. When I first watched it I was skeptical about what was being said by Sergej Sumlenny and truthfully I’m still a little skeptical, but what is happening in with the war in Ukraine this might happened. One thing about the video is that Sumlenny is able to tell us much about the oblasts or the Russian areas and people. Watch it and keep an open mind because at this point strange things have happened in Russia that we did not expect.
Gov. DeSantis is increasingly appearing to be what I call a ‘Smart Dumb Guy’: a highly intelligent person who does really dumb things (That would describe me If I were ‘highly intelligent’…:)). He adopts terrible policies and makes some really stupid political statements. And overall, as David Frum pointed out, his general election strategy is a mystery. I’m not sure he will even survive the first big GOP debate.
Edit: Florida must have become a really strange place given his popularity there…