Saw that in an EPL match. Tim Howard, Everton, kicked one that caught the wind and in. He didn’t celebrate, goalies union rules. Forget who they were playing.
ETA. Looked it up, Bolton Wanderers.
Saw that in an EPL match. Tim Howard, Everton, kicked one that caught the wind and in. He didn’t celebrate, goalies union rules. Forget who they were playing.
ETA. Looked it up, Bolton Wanderers.
Florida now going all the way with “Don’t Say Gay”.
Who’s next?
They are funny as hell, and many thanks to those that created them, but this will NEVER happen. And as much as we all wish he’d go through some things like Sherman McCoy in “The Bonfire of the Vanities”, he’ll go in through the garage, and exit through the garage.
We know this is fake because Trump would have wiped out the cops and walked away the winner he always is.
And one filled with violence on an epic scale…
The many stories that celebrate wanton violence, enslavement, genocide, and sanctioned rape are so unhealthy.
Florida is a really strange place to live. Always has been. Long before the invasion of the first snake oil salesman or the pythons. Take your pick.
Portion of America that considers themselves “evangelicals” has been declining for decades. It is now down to 13%. Nearly half what it was only a few years ago.
Let’s get evangelicalism down to the size where we can drown it in the baptismal.
Sarcasm? I hope.
Terrible political strategy though. That would be ‘preaching to the choir’ on steroids.
RE: Christian “Nationalists”: The largest Protestant denomination in the USA is the Southern Baptist Convention and Southern Baptists just happen to be the largest single demographic supporting the racist, homophobic, lying, thrice-married sexual predator Donald Trump in his political ambitions.
Its worth remembering that Southern Baptism was found in the pre-Civil War years by major slave dealers and slave owners. The older established churches had refused them prestigious lay offices such as Deacon that they thought they deserved because of their wealth, so they founded their own religion, Southern Baptism.
Southern Baptists were leaders of the violent murderous reaction to Reconstruction and were founders of the KKK, which incidentally not only attacked and lynched Blacks, but also ginned up hate for Catholics and Jews. Southern Baptists also led the violent reaction to Civil Rights and the church bombers and lynchers of the 20th century were virtually all associated with the church. Individual SBC congregations are still among the most racist places in America. Is anyone surprised they worship Trump like a God?
I’m surprised in this day and age that she couldn’t find someone with a fast car. Has she not heard of Uber?
Also she really read the room wrong, she was suppose to bring coffee and donuts.
If one wants the most extreme example, just go about reading the Bible book named Song of Solomon.
No one ever reads from that book from the pulpit…
v.o.: previously on ‘The Donald Trump Show’."
When he says he is a full blown Nazi, believe him.
Or 8675301.
Have they thought of prayer?