DeSantis Keeps FL Election Planners Guessing On What Rules Will Be Relaxed For Pandemic | Talking Points Memo

no clue, either


The most excruciating example of a political tool…Will never outdo Scott as the ultimate twat but damn, FL is on a very bad losing streak


Same here. Disney movies were great when the kids were small, but that’s it.

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What we are seeing here is a republican plan take shape. They see the Blue tsunami coming and they know they cannot stop it. So they are desperate for any maneuver to rat fuck the election. If we cannot win, it must be stopped. We’re in that period where they’re frozen with fear and buying time as they look for a way out. We are going to see this at state and federal levels.


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The blind leading the blind esp. after a dose of Lysol.
DeSantis is keep people guessing because he is clueless as to what to do.

Exactly - I live here too ,They have spent millions of dollars of our tax money to fight Citizen approved amendments and now they have fixed it so those peskey "Citizens " who get in the way of their plans.
They thought 60% vote would do it , but we prevailed
They now have made the rules so onerous to get an amendment on the ballot , it is unlikely we will ever have another one passed , they irony being until Democrats rule again , when it is unlikely we would need one


Plan? What plan? The ONLY plan trump and his clown followers have is to cancel the November elections.

No? trump hasn’t ever tried to pull a fast one before?


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Stopping right there would be appropriate.


Willful stupidity will kill humanity

We are being met with silence

It’s safest to assume every Republican is inept or corrupt.


if the virus gets turned loose in places in FLORIDA, like the VILLAGES… or other retirement communities, FLORIDA will be up to its elbows in corpses… as it is, we get 100 new cases every day…and over 1,000 dead…just wait until the elderly start going to the malls, movies etc. and clubs…

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That’s decidedly not true. The “Big 7” counties in Florida are all Democratic…Dade, Palm Beach, Broward, Orange, Hillsborough, Duval and Leon.

There are more registered Democrats than republicans, state wide.

Additionally, Florida has been doing Vote By Mail ballots for quite awhile now, and registration for receiving VBM ballots is making a huge jump, assisted in some part by the Supervisor of Elections doing massive mailings encouraging people to register for VBM. I think in my county, we have roughly 5x more people already signed up for VBM compared to 2016.

The reality is, Florida is one of the states that isn’t exclusively VBM, that can get there the easiest.


Thanks for that.

DeSantis is in a very dangerous position.

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that so called ‘evil mouse’ has employed hundreds of low skilled workers and trained them for the jobs they do…DISNEY and UNIVERSAL are pretty good places to work, if workers are unhappy…they can always leave the job…same could be said for AMAZON or any other corporation.

trump will be back in front of cameras somehow. because like someone habituated to heroin he needs the adulation. He needs affirmation. He needs to be called the best ever, the hero who fixed it all by his lonesome.


Alrighty donald I am waiting (crickets…chirping … they don’t get this virus)… …

What a fucking liar

Go ahead donnie boy, you said to inject disinfectant into your lungs to clean them or (and this is against the laws of physics) inject light into your body (I assume he means with a needle and syringe.)
… … … … …
Thursday’s “covid update” was performance art from several aspects.

We had the video of trump saying these impossibly stupid things and looking at Dr Birx for affirmation. She looked for all the world like an abused spouse. He body language screamed it. Sitting stiffly, averting her eyes downward, no smiles. face a mask. She was scared.

Then donnie’s impossible “cures” for covid disease. It was self promotion like a used car salesman who only has cardboard cutouts of cars on his lot who nevertheless was telling customers. “look at 'em would ya… these are the best cars ever…yuge engines and the best gas miles per gallon on the planet I tells ya!! So buy ‘em up, they’re goin’ fast…best ever.!!” will very likely end up killing someone. Some desperate people are that stupid.

Stupidity may kill humanity

trump and his “cures” for covid disease

trump must be removed from office. For the sake of our children and grandchildren if for no other reason. The best option now, since the impeachment trial failed, would be the 25th amendment. Is his cabinet OK with injecting Lysol or Clorox as a cure? How about trapping light in a needle and syringe? I expect they’re way too scared of trump to act in a sane manner.

What will it take to remove trump?

A world wide pandemic?
A world wide crashed economy?
failing food distribution in America?
Starvation on a mass scale?
Armed uprisings?
Millions dead?
What will it take to see sanity?

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Matt mentioned Cronkite…I and some others mentioned polling. We need 20+ Cronkites plus polling in the Disapprove 67%/Approve 31% (Nate Silver) level or worse…and I believe we may have a shot at removing Trump by resignation

Understand that any deal that Trump would sign would have reduced (by a LOT) charges.

He’s waiting for Fat Donnie to tell him what to do.

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