When local elections officials in Florida sounded the alarm that they needed the governor to make changes to the state’s election policies in light of the pandemic, they put in bold and underlined type that they wanted action from him “as soon as possible.”
Ignorant Prick
Trying to be Kemp Lite while still kissing Donnie’s ass
I live in Florida and thing are grim
The curtain was pulled back pretty quick on the “Great Economy”
All those theme park workers 2 weeks away from starving and being on the street once a paycheck stops
Florida is dead last in the United States when comparing true wage rank and cost of living rank.
The theme parks and Desantis got together to pass a law preventing any local city from instituting a sick pay ordinance
Disney thrives on the backs of underpaid workers and last year banked 30 billion in profits but has furloughed employees
Gov. DeSnivel will do precisely nothing, and he will get right on it. This is because the bulk of Florida’s democrats are concentrated in just two counties, Dade and Broward, so policies that don’t cause congestion in 10,000-100,000 voter counties will fail for the million-voter counties, and that is what Florida has in place today.
… hoping that there are so many many enraged Floridians that DeSantis is totally terrified - has to very carefully plot his travel - seeking to avoid the multitude of communities where fierce mobs would surround his limousine, smash it & flip it over - or simply blow his helicopter out of the sky.
For DeSantis, this isn’t about the well-being of Floridians. The reason DeSantis keeps people guessing is because he must remain nimble in order to best adjust the election rules to maximize the likelihood of GOP success. Look at Wisconsin’s recent primary/election in April, where the GOP tried their damnedest to skew the pandemic in their favor and still lost. If DeSantis can hold an election during the height of a pandemic while requiring all non-GOP to vote in person while making PPE illegal for anyone other than healthcare workers, and only GOP voters are allowed absentee ballots, then he will do so. He just has to manipulate things to steer the situation.
No, he can’t keep people from wearing home-made masks, but he can require all latex or nitrile gloves be confiscated for use as PPE by healthcare workers. He can try to stoke fears of the disease into the electorate in order to effectively suppress their participation. I don’t think it would work, but I wouldn’t put it past him.
The way that the Repubs are trying to rig these elections appears to rely on the strange assumption that only Democrats can be infected. With an incubation time of just a few weeks, quite a number of the folks ignoring quarantining are going to be either very ill or deceased by election time, and a major proportion of these will be Repubs who are in defiance or denial. For a disproportionately elderly, minority party, their tactics just don’t make much sense.