Dems Accuse Trump-Allied Post Master Of ‘Partisan Games’ Amid Election Mail Delay | Talking Points Memo

Democrats have accused Post Master General Louis DeJoy, a Trump ally, of playing “partisan games” by changing operations and cutting top personnel from the nation’s mail service as voters prepare to cast mail-in ballots in upcoming elections amid the coronavirus pandemic.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Maloney was among a group of nine Congress members to sign a letter on Friday that requested Postal Service Inspector General Tammy L. Whitcomb to investigate how DeJoy went about crafting policy that bars postal workers from taking overtime or making additional trips to deliver mail on time.

Cue firing of Postal Inspector…5, 4, 3, 2, 1…


We’re going to learn a lot about our commitment to democracy in a few short weeks.


Bear in mind that to help Trump win re-election, this Trump toad is okay with denying postal patrons needed medications, payments, correspondence.


Stalin: “Those who count the votes decide everything.”

Trump: “Those who sit on the mail-in ballots decide everything.”


Mao Zedong-Trump: When there is not enough to eat, people starve to death. It is better to let half of the people die so that the other half can eat their fill.

Deaths have benefits. They can fertilise the ground.

It is what it is.


Sadly, I think we already know.


Trump and the Rethugs are desperate to stay in power…

BUT the rest of us are desperate to keep our democracy!

Those Ds and Is who can vote in person safely (low risk, wear face mask and SD) should do so.

And those that can vote early, should do so.

And those that are high risk, should vote early by mail!

Gallows humor…


POLITICO: Trump may use executive orders to “direct the postal service to not deliver certain ballots” or “stop local officials from counting them.” All activity in America should have halted as we dealt with this threat to America’s continued existence.


The Postal Service has informed states that they’ll need to pay first-class 55-cent postage to mail ballots to voters, rather than the normal 20-cent bulk rate. That nearly triples the per-ballot cost.

Is this completely up to DeJoy or does this require a committee decision?


I am now a single-issue voter. The candidate who commits to passing voting-rights protection laws has my vote. It’s more important than the pandemic, the economy, police reform, universal healthcare. Because without free and fair elections, all of that other very important stuff is lost anyhow.

Also, legal protections for independence of the USPS. Two issues, I am a two-issue voter.

And strict regulations regarding the Census with independence from political appointees. THREE issues, there are THREE issues I care about…

…I’ll come in again.


But seriously, if we get the Senate, I will be happy if the ONLY thing on the “first 100 days” list is a package of voting-rights laws. Starting with election day being a mandatory national paid holiday for all non-essential workers, and mandatory 14-hour voting window (7a-9p local) to allow essential workers to vote off-shift. Yes, the entire country pretty much just shuts down and we all go vote. If you’re staffing the power station, it is guaranteed that the polls will be open for at least 6 hours outside of your shift. Maybe mandatory no-excuse-required mail-in ballots, nationwide. I could go on for hours here to fill up that first 100 days.

Call it “Infrastructure Week” for our f***ing democracy.


The Postal Service has informed states that they’ll need to pay first-class 55-cent postage to mail ballots to voters, rather than the normal 20-cent bulk rate. That nearly triples the per-ballot cost.

— The American Prospect (@TheProspect) August 8, 2020

Cc @zoe_richards


OT: Trumps latest televised rally, held today, shows him to be a desperate braying ass losing what little grasp he had on reality.


They’re effectively ruining the US postal service. Now Trump can point of the mail delays as proof mail in voting will not work. Oh, and he gets to talk up privatizing. Again.

I really do hate him.


Collectively, these acts constitute a threat to our right to vote in terms of having our vote counted. I have to believe a case can be made that they may be acting in violation of the Constitution here, and it isn’t particularly subtle.

It’s time to test in the courts whether or not there is a right to vote by mail.


Better get some top-notch legal minds on this. There are too many people who wish for Trump to fail, so there’s that.


DeJoy pressed lawmakers to take legislative action that would help pad the USPS’ financial losses rather “than sensationalizing isolated operational incidents” which he acknowledged can occur from time to time.

I realize that this may not be a popular position but would it hurt to get something passed in the House about rescinding that fucking mandate to prepay for employee’s retirement? I mean show the Senate that it can be done, it can shove the shit back on DeJoy, and then he won’t have an excuse to fuck with the system, to make it “more profitable”.


This definitely not a president who:

  1. Knows how many old GOP voters use mail-in ballots.
  2. Has happy internal polling.
  3. Realizes how driven Democrats are this cycle.
  4. Gives a shit about his down-ballot partymates.

Maybe i should be wishing for a pony, but

I hope he gets roasted on September 17th.


" ‘Friday Night Massacre’ at US Postal Service as Postmaster General—a major Trump donor—ousts top officials"


Dejoy is also heavily invested in private delivery companies.