‘Democrats Worry’ Is The New ‘Democrats In Disarray’

Why not use a real Nick Lowe wedding song? :wink:


The Napoleon Fish with hair is indeed Kim Gargoyle.


Speaker McCarthy says he told Biden to not use “extreme MAGA Republicans” in his speech .

OK, Kevin, your other choices are “Trump stans” or “Nazi sympathizers.”


I liked Randall “Pink” Floyd. The other one was navel-gazing self-indulgence. Bores the shit out of me.

I wouldn’t want to try to fire an AGM at something 12 miles up.

Many things that are true feel insane… like how you have to accelerate into a higher, slower orbit. It’s why whenever people start talking about ‘common sense solutions’ to complex problems, you should ignore them.


He’s hanging onto the outer borough types for dear life. I don’t see how he gets another term though, even with their vote.

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I think they were trying to be edgy and ironic though they were well versed in the Lowe catalog.

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Pretty sure it’s Elmo.


Here’s the OG

Banned books available here


No worries - I’m sure Sarah’s rebuttal will fix everything for McQ and make him feel better.

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I hate that family as much as the next TPM’er…but come on. IMO, it’s a bit unfair.

The picture is from a funeral.


Yeah kind of Musk-like

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Trudeau’s policy is that all migration is welcome, provided they don’t have criminal records.

The simplicity is admirible at the stoic end of things, but the Chinese reputation for scientific innovation in their modern era took a hit here, admit it.
I mean, c’mon, we have bird drones that charge by landing on electric wires, surely they can find something similar to spy with?
We should have dangled a team of truly talented Rangers from choppers painted a happy face on it and let it fly.
Or something like that, maybe lighten up all the angry international attitudes out there.
Authoritarians are all very nervous right now for some strange reason.

They don’t have a reputation for innovation on anything, just buying and stealing.

But anyways, that payload is considered interesting enough to the military that we’ve got divers and ships out in rough seas to recover all of it that we can. If the military doesn’t think it’s a nothingberder not worth going after, I default to thinking there’s much more to this that we’ll likely never know but which is of significant intelligence value.


That covers the whole 1.4 billion?

But my point actually was that China could use more Jews.
“Space Lasers?”

Thought this crew would get it.

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Intelligence…artificial or otherwise…has a fact bias.

And the fact is…most liberal or progressive thought and movements are fact-based.

Science with a heart.

:musical_note: Grandma got run over by a reindeer NDA expiring…:musical_note:

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