Democrats Rage Against Supreme Court Threat To Abortion Rights

Petulant moral toddlers who thought it was important enough to vote, but not to do so in a way that would actually help to prevent the election of the single greatest monster in the history of the presidency.


If anyone brother or not defends that fucker’s actions all I got is good luck to both of them.


I’ll have to see how Susan Collin’s brows are doing before I decide if I’m concerned or not.

Roe is clearly dead, not one of the Rs will stare decisis this.


Remember they said the ACA was overreach? What they did to us will seem like a playful hair-mussing compared to the reaction if they kill Roe v. Wade. They’re putting their own necks in the noose.


While this will spell tragedy for many women in the country, I believe this will ultimately be a pyrrhic victory for the christo-fascists. I expect that as the results of banning abortion become more and more evident in the states that enact these bans, more and more voters will turn away from their party and their religion. I expect this to accelerate the decline of fundamentalism and of the fascist party.

That is my hope anyway.


It’s dead, but think 5-4, with Roberts holding out on some technical detail, solidifying the shift of the Supremes to where “moderate” is the Far Right of a decade ago.


The blue states won’t change anything. I don’t know if the red states have it in them.


They really aren’t. The rich will just send their daughters for a weekend trip to Toronto, it’s just the poors that will get screwed, and the R’s have proved they DGAF about them. There’s no electoral downside to this at all.


This I will put up for debate, because there’s a couple other real doozies, namely Jackson. The difference, I suppose, is that none of the other monsters tried so hard or came so close to succeeding at completely unraveling the entire project. Oranjina’s monstrousness was unique in that it was directed at half the country and the very fabric and institution of the nation itself as opposed to, say, countless thousands of dead Native Americans.


There will be. There are no women of child-bearing age who were alive at a time when it was illegal here. The thing about rights in America is that, once given, they’re untouchable unless you like a slow political death (remember when Dubya tried to touch Social Security).

Remember Cancun Cruz? Hunting down lovers and daughters of prominent Republican men to document them traveling to get their abortions is going to be a spectator sport, while sad stories of poor women and girls who were raped will go viral. Going to get very, very nasty and fast.


The electoral downside, which won’t be seen for a bit, will be the money that will needed to help pay for all these kids. Yes Republicans won’t spend money on kids, but their numbers of those living in poverty will increase. We’ll have to see this the “crisis pregnancy” centers will still help pregnant girls and women sign up for Medicaid to cover the pregnancy.
I posted this fact before but in 1972 there were 16 countries that had legalized abortions, now in 2021 there are 64. I guess it’s time to rename Republicans as the Regressive Party.


Trump was already in the bottom 3 by the end of year 3, but the botched covid response and the insurrection moved him below both George W. Bush and Andrew Johnson.


The real secret in that is that it was directed at the entire country. One half was useful. Still is for the moment. But the second he steps foot back into office if ever, that half begins losing directly. In fact they already are, being gaslit into stupid acts that only hurt them in the long run. No one wins in the Narcistic Arena in the end except the Narcissist if he wins.


Minority MISrule is more like it. The Republicans have not legislated, not governed, not represented the people in their districts. They are arrogant bullies who should never be handed any power at all.


I’ll be polite about this—the divided electorate is demonstrated in national outcomes flipping pretty wildly back and forth. A vast army of determined, organized, and outraged educated women is more than enough to flip it our way. This learned helplessness is a thing we should unlearn and right quick.


I cannot put into writing what I think of those who went against Gore, the 2010 Dems in Congress and Clinton


Wanna make it interesting?


If they kill off Filip E. Buster, they need to put the peddle to the metal and make it so that the repugs can’t overtake both house and cement their permanent majority. Otherwise, given the chance, they will show Democrats what real powerlessness is. @mattinpa


The question before the Court is whether Mississippi’s 15-week ban is constitutional. That does not require them to overrule Roe so much as to amend its pre-viability framework so as to let Mississippi’s law stand and to give state legislatures a pathway to further, more draconian restrictions.

6-3 to uphold the Mississippi statute, with Thomas and Alito concurring separately to say that the majority should have reached the bigger question of Roe itself. My guess is that Breyer will assign the dissenting opinion to Kagan, who has gotten really good at shitting on the conservatives in her dissents.


I hope you’re right, the groundswell march after dumpster’s election was heartening. This won’t stop at abortion, however, birth control measures labeled “abortifacients” by the right are next. Which is what ever they will try to define it as. It covers a wide swath.

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