The House passed the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package Wednesday, with Democrats in both chambers using their slim majorities to deliver President Joe Biden’s first big legislative victory and fulfill one of his campaign promises.
Democrats must now make Republicans own their attempts to block the bill and their attacks against it. Every person helped by this should understand that Republicans refused to help them…it may not change their mind on who to vote for, but they shouldn’t doubt that Republicans wouldn’t have lifted a finger to do anything for them. Combine that with Republicans using the exact same process in 2017 to give the wealthy a huge tax break, and the message should be crystal clear.
The plan is popular, hopefully it helps the Democrats in the 2022 election to hold onto the government.
And now the Democrats must message this loud and proud. Keep pointing out all of the people who are being helped - and reminding everyone that the Republicans voted against it all. Voted against helping Americans.
“Rep. Jared Golden (D-ME) was the sole Democrat to vote no.”
What the hell is wrong with this guy?
"There was also a last minute panic on the Senate floor, swallowing up a few hours of debate, while Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) insisted on lowering the unemployment insurance benefit from $400 a week to $300. The reduced benefit made it into the final bill. "
So, Manchin’s role in Congress is to stick it to the unemployed and poor whenever possible because, you know, he’s an a**hole.
Seeing that nay right as I turned it on scared the crap out of me and I turned it right back off again.
I’m so relieved to see this has passed. I am fortunate that it won’t affect me directly, but I’m really glad for all the people and families around the country that this will help.
In the history books, guess who gets to be the good guys and who gets to be the bad guys.
There were no Republican defections in the House. Rep. Jared Golden (D-ME) was the sole Democrat to vote no.
The Senate was a similar story, with all the Democrats voting yes and all the Republicans present voting no (Sen. Dan Sullivan of Alaska left to attend a funeral).
Agree, but I have to wonder why signing the bill awaits until Friday.
People need relief and this bill has been:
…1st said by mid-January,
…Then by February 1st,
…Then must be signed by Mid-February or unemployment will have a gap
…now more and more delays, I would expect all the ducks to be lined up by now.
As the impact on myself personally, got a letter from Chase yesterday that I must pay $772.10 by the 16th or they are taking my vehicle. I don’t expect to see a check before the end of the month, so bye-bye…As for reasons falling behind, household income in the past year down 77%. Savings are now gone and it has become a choice of eating, getting cancer meds, paying the mortgage, etc, etc, etc. Been flipping things around but those same banks taxpayers bailed out, more than once, say FU…I want my money yesterday.