Democratic Officials Tell Members Of Congress Not To Show Up In Person For Convention | Talking Points Memo

I think it would be enough for Biden to fumigate it, and then hire an Exorcist to perform the rites and get rid of any lingering Trump vibes. Biden is Roman Catholic, isn’t he? He should have the right connections for that.


Yep. First there’s the initial shock at what you’re seeing and then what sinks in is the sacrilege.


Judges and tax cuts, baby. The Koch/Mercer agenda. Also, too, they can’t admit that they have been wrong for three plus years.


Honestly, the only reason for in-person conventions was the negotiating and arm-twisting necessary when there was no clear-cut candidate.

A very peripheral reason was TV coverage. When no one had access to the visuals or candidates’ bios, it was important.

We’ve got both of those via other means. Why do conventions continue?

Those businesses will either adapt or die - just like any other business.

They don’t have a god-given right to a profit.

I live in one of the places that would rather die than grow. Fifty years ago, they were successful in getting I-24 to run through the next county over rather than through their county.

Fifty years on - the population has not increased - It is now a bunch of old people, their way of life is gone due to NAFTA; no hope, no future - and most people here don’t care.

Covid-19 is going to increase the dying. It has certainly killed a number of businesses. We are down to a Mal-Wart & one discount department store.


I like that idea! If Biden wins his first act should be to remove the desk. Put it out in Lafayette Square and just see what happens.

I don’t think that alone explains the total subservience they show to trump. Nobody would subject themselves to repeated humiliation and completely abandon any morals they may have had for tax cuts and judges. Not even fear of trump’s base would explain the depths to which republicans have sunk. I’m afraid they’ve been blackmailed into going along with trump. Dear Leader and his minions aren’t smart enuff to pull this off, They had help.

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When were the Kochs or Mercers elected to anything, ever. Is Trump the logical result of Citzen’s United? If so, screw you John Roberts and your dog Toto too.

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He’s also a Randian Libertarian, and those we can do without.


Republicans have been doing just that for decades.
The morals they may have had hardly meet the definition of the word.

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Don’t think I did not see what you probably hoped I would not see you doing as you did it there.

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But is he an irredeemable one?

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Wouldn’t expect anything less.


As Gunnery Sergeant Hartmann said, “He’s foolish and he’s ignorant, but he’s got guts, and that’s what counts.”

