Problem solved, Jim says he’ll take all those kids.
Even if she really does have them lined up watch the Senate “run out of time.” I do not understand their work ethic. Why is Schumer letting them go on vacation in August when there is so much to be done? How many campaign events can there be in the first two weeks of August? If they don’t want to get rid of the filibuster, why don’t why make them really talk so we can get their stupid comments on the record and in the news when they say them?
I’d sooner hand over a down payment for a deed to the Brooklyn Bridge than believe that the Senate is going to do anything other than waste time on any given issue.
From an opinion writer WaPo who’s listed the five factors he believes will give Dems a leg up in the midterms and after. To your point, is this one factor:
The court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has not only angered Democrats, but also produced a wave of national news about state-level Republicans devising evermore draconian abortion laws, and the horrific effects those laws are already having. Combined with other unpopular court decisions, this could move independent voters away from Republicans while motivating Democrats to turn out.
Dumb SOB doesn’t know that 600 women a year die in childbirth, so yeah, give birth, broads, hoping you don’t survive it so I can raise them.
Contraception and sterilization are simply devices that enable women who do not wish to become pregnant—but who are unwilling to refrain from sexual intercourse
I suspect this odious jerk’s religious beliefs also don’t allow a married woman to “refrain”.
I want his house revisited by protesters.
So would a tumor be considered “alive” and worthy of not being removed if malignant? I mean it has circulating blood and some cancers have become “immortal” in lab dishes. HeLa cells for example. Here’s more…
“Henrietta Lacks, a Black woman, was a 31-year-old mother of five when she died from cervical cancer in 1951. Her name and memory live on in the form of a remarkable lineage of continually dividing cells that have achieved, to all intents and purposes, “immortality”.” › hela-cells-1951
1951… so her cells are now 71 years old and going strong in many locations.
It is also important in the House. My district has a Republican congressman in a close race. We could pick up a seat even if he does vote for contraception rights by him losing republicans. Also, my neighboring district, home of felony Fortenberry, more heavily Republican, is closer than anyone thought possible. Bring it.
He wants our rights “visited” as in a nursing home, and then “revisited” as in a funeral home.
Is this offer retroactive? Because there were some undeclared San Francisco 49er “wild oats” babies after Harbaugh and the boys went out celebrating in 2011-2014.
I thought it was goats? Spent 18 months in Texas. Goats, for whatever reason were …
The swine who voted against marriage for all then went to his son’s wedding to a man is getting quite a lot of air time on the local stations. I’d say in general the number of covered incidents of treason party clowns acting like themselves has increased since the televised hearings and the Roe fiasco.
I’m generally pessimistic about midterms, but I kind of feel like some of the idiot media might be thinking there’s a story worth following in the massive hypocrisy and lying.
Since the right to privacy is now a quaint artifact from an earlier time, there is nothing that should stop us from demanding to know why the “pro-life”, anti-contraception, Catholic justices do not have larger families. How did Alito, Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch each limit their offspring to 2? Thomas has 1 from his first wife and Barrett has 7. Interestingly, her youngest has Down Syndrome and that ended her biological children. She then adopted 2 more children. Was she worried about having another Down Syndrome baby? How did she avoid another pregnancy? Ditto Republicans in Congress. Let’s post the number of children that each Republican member of Congress has and then ask them why so few? In the absence of contraception, each of these people should have at least 12 children by now unless, of course, after one or two children they all chose a life of celibacy.
A full page ad with the number of children each member of the SCOTUS and Congress has would shine a spotlight on their hypocrisy. If elected officials can search our health records then they can answer a few questions about their own practices. Or maybe they believe that they have a right to privacy. Exactly how does that work?
I wonder how willing he is to going back to being 3/5 of a person.
I would like to “revisit” his right to live as a free black man.
Not other black men, just him.
Or their wives refused to sleep with them. They could call it the Lysistrata defense.
This is the worst part of this whole thing. To reject the 9th Amendment and force us to delineate rights rather than the things we can’t do is utterly fascistic of the Court.
Not all, Justice Thomas is Loving Virginia.
Why doesn’t Collins start looking for Rs willing to block the filibuster? That would seem easier, unless the penalty for that is death.