When do the Dems, the good guys in the abortion debate, bring the half of the population who are responsible for conception into the conversation. Pols wouldn’t dare be critical of that half, but it takes two to make that unwanted fetus.
The GOP position - it does take two: a noble, guiless, and innocent man and a wicked woman driven by evil lust and guided by Satan and/or Hillary Clinton.
This is excellent. Get them all on record voting down the right to contraception. Shift the conversation from abortion to abortion AND contraceptives. Lots of folks aren’t all that comfortable with abortion, but they’d think you’ve lost your mind if you start talking about banning contraceptives. Whether or not Republicans would actually go through with banning some contraceptives is irrelevant. It’s the threat that would scare the shit out of people, particularly young people.
Oh, they will try especially wrt the morning after pill and IUD’s which are considered abortifacient by some on the right.
LBJ: “I don’t want to CALL him a pig [abuser], I just want him to DENY being a pig [abuser]!”
The state thru the SCOTUS has decided that it has the right to what happens in or to any woman’s uterus. Because that uterus is connected to the rest of a woman;s body that means she is a slave owned by the state. That is the ugly truth of the recent Roe v Wade decision. Women are owned by the state. If a woman is pregnant it could be very dangerous for her to travel from one state to another, even innocently with no intent to end that pregnancy. In some states doctors are now forbidden to even mention pregnancy related information meaning the right to freely speak is not any longer true in America. This is not some dystopian future… it is right now…today.
Our rights as free people are disappearing. And it is due to republicans.
I spent my career in scientific research. In reproductive physiology. And this I think means I know a slight bit more than the average male on the subject.
Well Justice Thomas hasta cover his own ass.
Republicans are willing to allow gay men and women to continue to be married, just as long as the Democrats agree to cut taxes on corporations to zero and outlaw any efforts to increase green energy.
That’s how this “negotiation” goes.
Without bodily autonomy, women have no rights at all. You can see the fascists already trying to remove women’s right to travel. Doctors are limited in what they can even say to them. Ectopic pregnancy? Oops - there goes her right to life.
Considering that’s not how the bills are written, it seems it’s a good thing you aren’t the chief negotiator. If the GOP shoot down these bills, they have only themselves to blame for the campaign ads it will engender. They don’t have a winning hand with the general public here.
It’s tiresome, I know that much. Whether it’s consensual, rape or incest, the humans with one X and one Y chromosome and without whom there would be no pregnancies, excerpt for artificial methods seem to be out of the picture. And often take themselves out of the lives of the children they help create. A father-in-law I knew only briefly did just that, and it was a tough childhood for four kids.
Are you leading us down the road to the bung hole moment?
I can think of nobody that any of those things actually benefit. Limiting rights helps nobody, reducing taxes on the rich helps nobody, allowing corporations to do what they want helps nobody, preventing people from working because of the color of their skin and where they were born helps nobody, spreading death helps nobody. Don’t get me the self-interest crap. All of those things aren’t about making life easier for the self, they’re about making life harder for everyone else.
Never, ever, believe anything that the Very Concerned Gentlelady from Maine ever says, no matter how furrowed her brow. She will always vote the way McConnell tells her to vote, unless her vote isn’t needed to sustain a GOP position.
Apparently, Republicans have begun heading down this road.
The party of Lincoln is really the party of George Lincoln Rockwell.
Has Suzie-Q ever finished what she started? Delivered on a promise? Named belle of the ball?
Mike–add in Baker V. Carr which the court ruled that state legislative districts MUST be equally sized in population.
No doubt the same Republicans that Schmo Manchin had all lined up for Infrastructure Month Week Day. OK, so he lied. Suzie would never do that.
The people who @zenicetus is talking about, I believe, are people whose thought processes extend no further than the end of their nose. They’re probably Fox fans, right wing talk radio fans and believe the lies because in most instances they sound plausible e.g. “They’re coming for our guns!”, Hillary was running a child prostitution ring in the basement of a pizzeria in Dumbfuck, OH, and because they’re racists at heart they believed that BHO was born in Kenya when orange said he was.