A top Defense Department official who internally raised concerns about freezing military aid to Ukraine is stepping down, CNN and Bloomberg News reported Wednesday.
Rood was pressured by his national security superiors to resign, according to the reports. Bloomberg News reported that Trump officials believed he was not executing the President’s agenda quickly enough because he did not fully agree with the policies.
So the guy who did his job and approved the aid because Ukraine had met all the criteria is being ousted? Competency is not a core value in this administration.
Indeed. I started out mulling over “purges”, and realized that Putin has manged to insert this bit of Stalinist DNA into Trump. Or at least enable the “expression” of the gene.
Another victim of Trump’s lawless purges. If he doesn’t lose in November, all Americans should understand this marks the full beginning of an autocracy.
This happens in too many government workplaces. It can be hard to fire someone, but easy to make their life so miserable that they have no real choice but to leave. Bosses who will brook no dissent or who are threatened by their employee’s ideas (or more often their ability to detect the boss’ bad ideas-as in this case) are frequent targets. The tone being set at the very top is that Federal workers are superfluous at best, disloyal and traitorous at worst–all for just doing the job as professionally as our oath demands.
Putin is using Trump and the Republicans to destroy America. When will Democratic leaders speak out and call this treason? Seriously. Why are Democrats talking about mundane issues like obamacare and climate change when our country is under attack? Wtf is the problem with American leaders? Where is our Churchill?
Actually, it’s about executing Putin’s agenda. Now we know why Putin feared Hillary. The next American president needs to take Putin out one way or the other.
And the Stalinist Purge continues…and the MSM willfully ignores the entire story while wistfully dreaming of the additional $$$ Billions of Ad dollars it will rake in if Bloomberg becomes the Democratic Candidate to run against Trump (now you know why they are working so hard to make him the Democratic Presidential Candidate. Follow the $$$.)