It’s he said and then he said something contradictory and the defendant.said.
Bill Kristol (BillKristol)
Louis R. Bridgeman @LouisRBridgema3
It’s he said and then he said something contradictory and the defendant.said.
I see that Durham has that western-style Cowboy Mustache that’s supposed to denote a tough guy no-nonsense I mean business don’t be messing with me image.
Kind of like these:
I have to imagine that even a Judge appointed by Trump won’t look kindly at his life’s work being turned into a joke. This doesn’t strike me as a sound strategy.
Sometimes, a little reign of terror is necessary to cleanse the collective soul. Besides, if they can be taught to live in proper mortal fear of the rest of us, there will be no need for the guillotines…other than perhaps one set up to replace the bull statue on Wall Street as a little reminder…
Shut yo mouth!
Occupy Terrify Wall Street…
Dunno. RBG managed to pull it off. And she wasn’t even appointed by him.
Now you’re catching on lol!
I have to imagine that even a Judge appointed by Trump won’t look kindly at his life’s work being turned into a joke.
Circular. Their lives’ work has been turning our judiciary into a joke. FEDSOC IS A FUCKING KKKLOWNSHOW.
Her mistake was trying to cheat death, not putting up with constitutional sherif fools.
Can’t believe I hated this guy
Louis R. Bridgeman @LouisRBridgema3
Well, whichever, doesn’t matter. Her entire legacy is about to be absolutely obliterated because of it.
while we could overfly the battlefield in a night and turn it into wasteland.
He knows we wouldn’t do that, doesn’t he?
War Games:
“The only winning move is not to play.”
If he failed to present to the Grand Jury the conflicting conversations that would be misconduct. If he failed to find them that would be dereliction of duty.
Yeah that joint has done as much damage as the Koch’s AEI, or ALEC the list is endless.
They make them in a factory and ship them out to the fringes of the system where like massive barnacles they attach to every axe-grinding authoritarian Confederate Party Crusader that can give them the exposure they need to be fed by the Wingnut Wurlitzer forever.
Cheat sheet…
RBG would chew you up and spit you out, little man.
They’re pissed because people don’t want low-paying jobs and will look elsewhere.
A living wage. Don’t know when we’ll get there, but we moving in that direction for the first time in a long time.