Defendant Suggests John Durham Is Relying On Contradictory Evidence | Talking Points Memo


They’re pissed because they all want to be part of the plutocracy and Biden and the Dems threaten that…to say nothing of the race and religion issue. The Zombie Fourth Estate is deeply DEEPLY invested in helping the GQP Trump KKKult destroy our democracy and establish its permanent minority rules white Christian hegemony. They absolutely cannot, under any circumstances, allow any good news for Biden and/or the Dems from now until November 2024…at which point they can relax, because the GQP will send them what their stories shall be or else and compliance will grant them access to the inner circles of power and wealth.

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Given that her literal dying wish was that her seat would be held open for a hopeful liberal replacement, I’m pretty sure she’s in agreement.

Instead, she got replaced with the absolute worst of the worst possible choices for Women’s Rights, a cult member who had her husband selected for her by the cult leaders.

Who is now working to undo everything that RBG worked to champion.


Let alone that a quiet article on page 34 in January will note that the actual jobs increase was like 400k or so.


But her emails…


I don’t care what you say, I’m not calling him “President” Trump.

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Pendulum. Do you know how many women out there admire and honor what she accomplished?

Seriously, shut up.


Biden should go after this mercilessly and use it to ruin DeSantis, publicizing all of the beatings and incidents that can be found and prosecuting dozens of the guards who committed them…

Tear the system down and leave DeSantis standing there holding his flaccid white cock like the KKKult KKKracker he is.


So just like in every other state, then?


We have some implicit commitment and national interest in protecting Ukraine that far exceeds our interest in protecting the wahabbi halal butcher in Riyadh. They gave up their nuclear weapons at the end of the cold war voluntarily. The Russians have sown chaos in Ukraine and Georgia and re-invaded chunks of their territory.


And what is it all going to matter next summer when abortion is effectively banned and the next stage of women’s rights is under attack and with a majority of the supremes ready to go?

Yes, it’s tragic that RBG’s legacy is going to get fully dismantled, but it’s the fucking reality we live in, not the one we might like to live in.

She knew it, that’s why her last fucking message was to hold her seat until a new administration was in place.


Pretty much. First step is emptying a bunch of the prisons by mass pardon for any marijuana offenses. That’ll lose a bunch of the hillbillies their jobs. Then FL should be used as an example. Take over their system, expose the IG, expose DeSantis’ negligence and that he doesn’t give a fuck…the whole kit and kaboodle. Send FBI agents to work at the prisons and find a way to run reports like this all the way up to the governor’s office for a recording of him spewing an n-bomb to show how much he doesn’t care about it (because you just know he uses the word regularly). Undermine him completely while motivating POC to get out and vote to get rid of these people. They need to be ruined and left with nothing but their flaccid white cocks and “88” tattoos and, hopefully, no way to find employment to feed or shelter themselves.

Did I mention…

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That’s the third line in the job description, following only the applicant’s race and gender.

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Durham’s mission is to delegitimize the Mueller investigation. Garland’s is to restore the perception of the DOJ as being above politics.

We are 30 days away from the anniversary of the beginning of the insurrection.



"From and including: Friday, April 12, 1861
To, but not including Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Result: 58,678 days"

It’s 58,678 days since it started.


Until a court or disciplinary board says so, that’s just wishcasting.

This is a laugh-er, honestly. Baker is not a Trump fan certainly won’t straighten out the ambiguity of his testimony to make Durham look like he has a legitimate case against Sussmann. The Judge should throw the whole thing out and AG Garland should use the dismissal to fire Durham before he makes another stupid indictment.


Best hurry up, there may be a mine shaft gap

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At risk of repetitiveness, excellent report.