‘Dangerous Ploy’: Sasse Rebukes GOP Effort To Object To Electoral College Votes | Talking Points Memo

Totally off-topic, and I know we are not supposed to stoop to making fun of a person’s appearance like the GOP/MAGA/QAnon assholes always do, but goddamn that fucker is ugly!


Sasse is a traditional Republican. The only one left.

And Darth Cheney was born in Lincoln. Fuck Nebraska.

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That would take a pretty dramatic re-working of the Senate rules, and since the Majority Leader is still in charge until such a rework, it ain’t going to happen.

She could have dramatically more leverage of course, if its a 50-50 Senate, as she would actually get a lot more votes than is historical. But she doesn’t get to set the legislative calendar.

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Like the south end of a northbound mule.


Well said. Their indifference is perhaps worse than plain hatred, because it lets them think they are above the very fray they are causing.


Sorry, Benny, but you did the EXACT SAME THING about a hundred times in the last four years including voting to acquit Trump of obvious crimes against the Constitution and not even voting to have subpeones issued.

So to me, it looks like you’re only worried about the political impact on the GOP of your fellow Senators acting this way and that you might lose power as a result, particularly if voters in GA are really pissed about, seemingly, ALL Rs preferring an R-led dictator than a popularly elected Democratic president!


You forgot lil’ Marco.


Is McConnell potentially in jeopardy as leader? He hasn’t said much. He hasn’t publicly squashed this. Too risky for him or what? He should have Hawley by the short hairs for trying this stunt. And cut guys like him out of any committee or any leadership roles. Or is he waiting to do just that when the time gets closer?

I hate McConnell with the intensity of a thousand suns, but I doubt he approves of any of this.


Looks like the Sasse-Hawley cage match will happen sooner than I thought. My bet is that it ends in the third round when Hawley is DQed for poking Sasse’s left eye out with the business end of his crucifix.


“… but some stains are indelible.”

Back in the day, we used to call them “skidmarks”.


Indeed. Others suggested Rubio and RonJohn, but I think RonJohn doesn’t have the ambition and wants to stay safely ensconced in the Senate, so he won’t rock the boat…and I think Rubio is probably on the fence. He’s been trying his hand at the Trumpian populist rhetoric on Twitter but getting completely humiliated for it and I think he’s probably too much of a coward, and also might alight on the idea that he should play it safe and separate himself from his more extreme opponents. It’s one thing to try out talking the talk, but totally another to just throw yourself into the extremism woodchipper. Cotton and Cruz are both the type to wear woodchipper wounds like a badge of honor…to self-congratulate themselves on their grand gestures and self-sacrificial bravery and martyrdom to “The Cause, may the South rise again forever in Jesus’ name hosannah in the highest hallelujah amen.”


Someone in another forum put it nicely with regard to Senator Hawley raising an objection. That it really just amounts to him “playing with his cock for two hours.” Other than that it accomplishes nothing. The impending result will not change.


Well, when even your daughter doesn’t want to be near that face then I guess it’s open season on him.

Ted Cruz kisses his daughter… it doesn’t go well - BBC Newsnight - YouTube


Marbles missing. Reward.

Pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood ramped up the crazy on Wednesday night by suggesting Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts was somehow involved in Justice Antonin Scalia’s death and part of a child-sex cult.

ETA. Carry on.


Perdue and Loeffler are two of the wealthiest members of the Senate. (she is far away #1, he is #7). I believe Cruz is on the south end of the list. So stealing money from their campaigns is kind of the only reason they are in the Senate in the first place.

Particularly her. She wasn’t a natural ideological ally or a power within the state GOP when Kemp appointed her; she was filthy rich, and they figured she could easily buy this election and keep the seat with no problems. Oops.


Neither of them (or Cruz or Cotton) can come close to Trump’s vulgarity and cruelty—his most winning traits for his base. Well, maybe his cruelty. But the mocking of the disabled reporter, pussy grabbing, etc. are uniquely Donald.


And, as important, or more importantly, it allows their supporters to falsely maintain their feelings of superiority and self-righteousness. That is the game being played by those who want to curry favor with the Trump base.


Rubio is sweating out 2022 right now. He doesn’t know who will be his potential Dem contender, and he is hearing rumors that Ivanka might challenge him in a primary (and others might as well, he isn’t particularly well loved in the state GOP). So he isn’t sure which way to jump right now, and is just trying out different postures in the mirror.


The VP’s role in the Senate is laid out in the Constitution and is not based on Senate rules. I don’t know if she can set the calendar but that obviously would be critical. Let’s hope it is all mooted by the Dems winning both GA seats.