A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
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A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
Sheesh Darryl, you’re black. WTF is it you expect out of Texas?
Texas: Make America 1922 Again!!
I take it the town has lots of barbers that need employment. I’d like to see them go after the mullet crowd.
The astral projection of falling stars.
People seem to be having fun with it.
Trump’s star, which he earned after hosting several seasons of the TV reality show The Apprentice, has been repeatedly defaced or destroyed in the eight years since he first ran for president. Yet on each occasion the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce has resisted calls either to remove it or to leave the damage un-repaired.
The star has also proved to be a magnet for street artists, who have variously turned the marble and terrazzo plaque into a mini-jail or adorned it with a toilet, tub and box files as a commentary on the classified documents found in a bathroom at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.
One of the first honorees, a bandleader and Western fiddler named Spade Cooley, had his star unveiled in 1960, and a year later he was convicted of beating, stomping and choking his estranged wife to death in the presence of their 14-year-old daughter.
He remains, to this day, the only convicted murderer on the Walk of Fame. But his star is still there, just as West feared or predicted – and more than likely going nowhere.
I remember back in the early 60s when long hair on boys swept across the nation (thank you, Brit Rock). Schools and parents everywhere freaked out, and the no hair touching ears or collar craze was mandated to stop the ruination of America’s youth. Then I read this article, same damned complaint, hair below the ears. History repeats.
Yesterday’s hearing involving Clark in the Georgia conspiracy case sounds like Amateur Hour — if even that. Bummer for him.
What’s the meow-ter? Couldn’t Jeff find his pants? Meow.
Well, that is something
John Eastman Crows That Trump Didn’t Throw Him Under The Bus | Crooks and Liars
He’ll catch the train.
Give him time.
Damning new evidence? Weren’t the bathroom pics bad enough?
Maybe those photos weren’t clear on whether he planned on reading the documents or using them to clean up after a multi-flush #2
ETTD …eventual Trump train death
And yet Barbers Hill HS (should be irony right?) seems to disregard the new law that went into effect in the last couple of days. The CROWN act:
Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law a bill prohibiting race-based hair discrimination in Texas workplaces, schools and housing policies.
I wonder what Clark was thinking. As an attorney
himself, he had to know not showing up to the hearing
would make it easy for the judge to rule against him.
Perhaps this is him acknowledging he had no case to
begin with.
What’s the meow-ter? Couldn’t Jeff find his pants? Meow.
Cat got your tongue?
Well, that is something
John Eastman Crows That Trump Didn’t Throw Him Under The Bus | Crooks and Liars
He’s going to lose his law license and quite possibly
end up in jail. Seems to me Trump didn’t throw him
under the bus because he did it himself.
“Aaron Rupar: Kristen Welker’s tenure as “Meet the Press” moderator got off to an inauspicious start.”
Clark is delusional in his self importance. I wonder if his lawyers locked him in an office to prevent him from causing more charges?
The judge also rejected a sworn declaration on Clark’s behalf by Reagan Attorney General Ed Meese.
Ed Meese is 91.