Cuomo Accuser Claims Governor Groped Her At Executive Mansion | Talking Points Memo

One of the women accusing Gov. Andrew Cuomo of workplace sexual harassment has come forward with additional details of an encounter with the governor, detailing to The Times Union of Albany that Cuomo had groped her in the Executive Mansion.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

It sounds like Cuomo has a problem that makes it inappropriate for him to continue to serve.
While I will wait for the investigation’s conclusions before reaching a final decision, the information out there is certainly trending in that direction.


Agreed. I believe the women on this one. He is almost as narcissistic as Trump, and that is not a new conclusion on my part. It would be nice to see a real progressive get that job, but I won’t hold my breath.


Of all the misdeeds that humans can commit, LYING is certainly up there with its potential for damage.

Certainly Trump proved that, by becoming president
Certainly the GOP proves that every day
Certainly, the RNC has made it a PARTY POLICY

If this investigation does what I suspect it will, Cuomo’s lying will take its place among his other misdeeds in this affair.


Either this is the greatest right-wing set-up ever or it is true. I bet on the latter. Andy Cuomo can get together with Prince Andrew.


Time to resign. DumFox will run this story every time they need to cry “Squirrel!”

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From Wikipedia. No comment offered…

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Cuomo became known by the nickname of the “Love Gov” after answering a question by his brother, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, about showing his softer tone while leading coronavirus response efforts. The governor responded with, "I’ve always been a soft guy. I am the love gov. I’m a cool dude in a loose mood, you know that. I just say, ‘Let it go, just go with the flow, baby.’ You know. You can’t control anything, so don’t even try


However this gets resolved, it has had at least one benefit - it has renewed calls to restore the name of the Tappan Zee Bridge. Yeah, yeah, different Cuomo (père vs. fils), but I don’t care. The name of the bridge should go back:

And whatever one thinks about JFK, I think everyone can agree that Idlewild was a wonderful name for an airport, and we should get it back.

Oh, and BTW, harrumph.


Okay, with all of this groping and kissing and getting up under women’s clothing, did no one ever say Cut it out! or Excuse me, sir, but this is inappropriate? Am I missing the parts of the story where the women clearly signaled they disapproved?

No, I’m not trying to “excuse” the Gov’s actions, if true. But at one time, it was considered necessary for the victim to object in some way, at the time of the offense. Did they? And what was Cuomo’s response?


Oh, “Tappan Zee” is cool! So is “Idlewild.” And while we’re at it, let’s get back to “DeeCee National” and dump the “Reagan.”


Totally on board with dumping the “Reagan” from National Airport. That was just a deliberate slap in the face to the PATCO workers.


Actually “She didn’t say no” is horseshit that ignores the power dynamics. In California we now teach folks that you must have “affirmative consent” or what you’re doing is wrong. No more blaming the victim for misleading the poor, confused sexual assaulter…


Totally on board with dumping the “Reagan” from National Airport. That was just a deliberate slap in the face to the PATCO workers.

Agreed, though their timing was terrible. But Reagan’s decision was truly reckless.


That one’s particularly offensive, given that Reagan fired the air traffic controllers. A lot of travelers just refer to it as “National” or as “DCA” (its code), anyway.

I like this map of the real DC Metro, which includes a stop labeled, “It’s just National.”

The other restored name that I like is Cape Canaveral. Rolls off the tongue.


Yes, that’s the new Tappan Zee Bridge. I like to think of it as not really being there.

The old Tappan Zee Bridge was falling apart, I know, but, then again, so am I.


Idlewild used to be a golf course. When the “new” airport was built on that site, its official name was New York International Airport – but everyone called it Idlewild, and, as you say, one can see why.


Bull. I don’t believe this. These ‘accusations’ have morphed as they have failed to ‘take hold’ and Cuomo is not stepping down. I’m sorry. We can HEAR these ladies but we don’t HAVE to believe them. People that have worked with him for decades say they never SAW this but their recollections aren’t ‘valid’…

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Yes, you may be missing that part.

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Oh, “Tappan Zee” is cool! So is “Idlewild.”

“Idlewild.”, good movie, stumbled on it a few years back. Just sayin’.

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But I do happen to believe them.