Couple Who Waived Guns At BLM Protesters Must Give Up Their Guns | Talking Points Memo

OT: Watching the new video makes my chest constrict. The so called tourists.

NEW: Justice Dept. just released horrifying new footage from 1/6. Feds say this is ex-NYPD officer Thomas Webster (red jacket) wielding a flagpole, rushing at police & tackling a cop to the ground. DOJ released this after legal action by CNN and other outlets. (warning: explicit)

— Marshall Cohen (@MarshallCohen) June 17, 2021

I dunno, but if you find out be sure and Show Me.


“Any time the mob approaches me, I’ll do what I can to put them in imminent threat of physical injury because that’s what kept them from destroying my house and my family.”

So, um, exactly how many houses and families in the neighborhood that did NOT have the homeowners brandishing weapons at the protestors get “destroyed”?

I’ll wait…


Sadly, it seems they did not, nor were they required to, as would have been “reasonable” given their unreasonable behavior.

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As Winston Churchill was once overheard, with a slight edit.


Mr Churchill, you are drunk!

Mr Churchill:

And you are ugly Karen, but tomorrow I shall be sober!


These two people, the McCloskeys ought to lose their weapons considering how they put people, nonviolent people, at risk of injury or death and showed zero remorse when the legal system punished them.


I’ve a similar condition, but I’m CDO - it’s the same thing, but with the letters in the correct alphabetical order…

(Goes back to straightening all the things on his desk…)


…but may keep the rest of their arsenal

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D’oh beat me to it

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One of the reasons I occasionally miss being at the office was the on-going phoney war with a colleague that’s been going on for years.

One day, he comes into the conference and sits across from me. There are a series of remotes to the room’s media tools and he sets about placing in the middle between us in a neat little row. When he finished, he looks up at me and sees a burning with rage expression on my face and his expression turns to worry.

In a flash I throw the palm of my hand into his organized column, sending each scattered into a different direction and say “OCD eh? Well I’ve got ODD - Obsessive Disruption Disorder - I hope that won’t be too much of a problem for you.”

He didn’t know me all that well then and was seriously befuddled until the others in the room couldn’t stifle their laughter.

From that day forward, I would randomly drop into his office and, while he sat at his desk, proceed to rearrange (disorganize) the items on his desk and then leave without saying a word to him.


Yes, he’s been in contact with us about you and has provided us with all the details we need. We’ve assured him that we’ve been seriously backed up with the pandemic, but we will be addressing his concerns shortly… :sunglasses:


I am confused by this article (the grammar and spelling errors don’t help). They will turn in the guns that they brandished at the protesters, but for how long? They get to keep their guns - is that all of them, or all except the ones they turn in? Or is that confiscation only temporary? They were only charged with a misdemeanor, but the grand jury indicted them for felonies?

Anyway, the big point here is that whatever they are convicted of, the Governor has stated he will issue a pardon.


You mean, after you resolve the grievance of the guy who I reversed his mouse polarity?

Or the manager who left his station without locking his screen, so I helpful took a screen shot of his desktop and then opened the image to cover his actual desktop?

I could go on.


No need, we have it all. And of course the details only apply during the sentencing phase, you’ve already been convicted in absentia… :man_judge:

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Hmmm - I wonder if they violated any Federal statutes about - - anything? Importing invasive plants, mail fraud, etc.

Uhm no, Pat McCloskey can’t even come close to Michele Fiore.

Beside Mark and Pat don’t have enough friends or family to try and match the Fiore clan.


Minority voters


With a well-thumbed copy of AP Style.


Kinda sick. Hope this is the one trait your lovely daughter did not get from you.

But I am still laughing my head off….

This was a civil legal non-violent protest of lack citizens. Not some terrorist group… There are no groups of black people that come close to the terrorism of white supremacists nor the horrors of the Nazi’s that required a world war to end.

To use that as comparison/ analogy grossly exaggerates & distorts the situation.

There was no mob approaching the mcCloskey’s. No protestor trespassed their property nor brandished weapons at them. The protestors walked pass their property on a public street.

That can’t be emphasized enough. This was not a life-threatening situation involvinganywhere ner close to citizens being an unruly mob or organizedterrorism.

Black citizens were subjected to guns being branshished, automatic weapons of violence simply for excercising their citizenship rights to protest peacefully

If black people on their own property came out & threaten violence to white peaceful protestors they would have been arrested and stripped of their gun ownership right. Not simply had their weapons confiscated. Without ever needing to belong to a terrorist group.

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