Couple Who Waived Guns At BLM Protesters Must Give Up Their Guns | Talking Points Memo

I thought Republicans were all about religious freedom.


Because the “mob” destroyed ALL the other homes that didn’t have trigger happy owners. Oh wait…


The only thing about the Fiore pic that is surprising is that the kids aren’t armed.

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Those were probably just the ones closest to the front door. :roll_eyes:


Major LOSERS no matter how you slice it.

It’s a shame the average Republican cannot experience humiliation because here there’d be some to experience.

That’s just what they call it. Republicons are actually for an extremist protestant theology, ala “Handmaid’s Tale”. Catholics, Jews, and most definitely not Moslems need not apply.

Thomas Webster is pleading not guilty. He claims that the police taunted him .


It’s probably best that morons drunk on white privilege don’t have access to their death toys.


Excellent decision. I’m sure that will work out well for him. :roll_eyes:


“I’d do it again,”

I’m curious to see what the Missouri Supreme Court Office of Disciplinary Counsel does with this. Assuming he has never been disciplined before, I can’t see him being disbarred but I can imagine that comment getting him a suspension.

We’ll see.


Because having rabid, slavering mob right in your face makes a guy go “hey, I I can have some fun and rile this dude up. Good times!”

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Eveyone knows that being taunted is a complete defense to charges of any violent crime. It’s like gay panic.


Jesus! I hope that they can afford to pay those huge fines and I hope that their lives aren’t destroyed by the fact are now, under the eyes of the law, misdemeanants. Just complete and total bullshit. Industrial grade white privilege.

Can we all just agree to agree that if the McCloskeys were brown skinned folks brandishing guns at passersby the police response would have been massive and that they would either be dead or in prison?


But, but, but, the Governor promised a pardon!

Does copping a plea change the Governor’s mind?


Moreover the a-hole with the heavy weaponry received the more lenient sentence.

Patricia McCloskey pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment and must pay a fine of $2,000. Her husband, Mark McCloskey, also pleaded guilty to misdemeanor fourth-degree assault and was fined $750.

On the plus side, I heard one report that said the weapons would be destroyed. Sad.


I still haven’t heard an explanation on why they’re all barefoot.
I’m mean this is NV not TN or KY. s/

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I wonder what would happen if a black man waved a gun at a Proud Boys “parade.” Inquiring minds, etc.

Have occasionally wondered what would have happened if one of these two idiots had flinched and inadvertently squeezed off a round or six…

My guess is that they would have been spewing out epic level of spin and fabrications to attempt to blame it all on the crowd walking past their house. They would have tried to cobble together some “right” to stand in their yard and let loose with sniper fire on pedestrians walking down the street.
These people are walking talking violations of basic decency.


and my family.”

As if there were two adorable 6 year olds huddled trembling together in a corner of their room, wide-eyed with fear.
Or more likely ‘family’ refers to the merecedes in the garage.


Except for overcompensating guy on far right that photo could be called ‘Muffintop United’.