Election officials in a Republican-leaning California county on Tuesday voted to dump their Dominion voting machines and attempt to hand-count elections moving forward after being influenced by right-wing conspiracy theories about the security of the Dominion systems.
California gives precincts until about the first week of december to count their votes. Shasta County’s gonna need it.
Also, here’s hoping these three goobers get thrown out on their ass next election. Shasta’s very red, so it’ll just be different goobers replacing them, but perhaps somewhat smarter ones.
They do stupid pretty consistently in the State of Jefferson and taking a bullshitting clown like Lindell seriously is as good an indicator of that as any.
“Lindell was a major instigator in the right-wing war against Dominion Voting Systems; he’s also the subject of a $1.3 billion defamation lawsuit that may be draining his company. ‘The machine companies continue to sue us for billions of dollars, and we had to borrow almost $10 million at MyPillow,’ he told fellow Trump crony Steve Bannon earlier this month…”
the supervisors don’t quite understand what they’ve undertaken
That’s the problem of conservatism – the divine king, the superior elite, the unitary executive, the all-knowing pillow guy. Ever heard the expression “two heads are better than one”?
I live in Oregon, just north of Shasta county. None of this shocks me at all. Calling Shasta county Republican Leaning is the under statement of the century.
This must be the same California county that has a seemingly inexhaustible supply of dumb kids they keep sending to the University of Arizona as they can’t pass an entrance exam to their own state schools.
I’d trust the machines to count accurately FAR more that I would trust people that believe the pillow idiot and the orange man on the mythical stolen election.
What better way to corrupt future counts than brainwashed insiders inaccurately hand counting to correct perceived past wrongs.
Fortunately the Supes have no control of the school budget. Police and Fire in the county, yes. Should be a hot summer. And hope the volcano doesn’t blow.
I’ll be curious to see how they pay to defend all the lawsuits coming its way. I suspect the county will soon go bankrupt and then, of course, go looking for a bailout in Sacramento.
Crye had also been in touch with Lindell, who offered to provide “all the resources necessary, both including financial and legal,” to defend the county’s choices, Lindell told the Los Angeles Times.
Lindell reiterated that promise on Wednesday morning. “If they go after them with lawsuits, we’re gonna cover them,” he said. His fuzzy financial status, however, could make that a tall order.
Get it in writing-- or better, in an escrow account.
Have a hunch MyCrackhead is gonna’ find his self cash-shy in a year or so.