Cotton Defends Trump In Recording | Talking Points Memo

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) believes that “badmouthing” President Trump was enough to justify Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch’s ouster.

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So, if Cotton believes Parnas was telling the truth about Yovanovitch “bad mouthing” the President, then he must of course believe everything else Parnas has said about Trump and Giuliani’s shakedown operation, no?


That’s right, Tom - take the word of whatever Russian piker comes along.

Good boy.


Morally bankrupt politician defends morally bankrupt POTUS. What else is new. It is curious that both Lankford and Cotton are not telegenic and sound like robots repeating the so what defense.


It should not go unremarked that there’s no proof Yovanovitch actually was badmouthing Trump. It is extremely likely this was a lie perpetrated as part of Parnas & Fruman’s scheme to manipulate Trump into removing her from their path.

But even if it were the case that one of our most senior ambassadors were talking trash about our president (which he deserves, and which could theoretically have been done insincerely by our ambassador as part of maintaining our relationship with a formally anti-corruption foreign administration), Trump could have simply recalled her and been done with it. He didn’t have to slander her and boost a corrupt prosecutor.

Trump can never and will never come up with a believable story that justifies the Yovanovitch episode, because it’s public record that he went far beyond what would be needed by any non-corrupt motive.

Trump tripped on his own dick (again), and Cotton’s is the latest car in the 17-car pile-up.


A. Yovanovitch wasn’t badmouthing drump.
B. The point is to show he was talking about Ukraine with a guy he claims not to know.


That his knee jerk response to an unverified claim was to instruct underlings to fire her is telling. These guys attended a dinner with Trump and had a recording device. His secret service detail didn’t think this was a problem? His staff at the dinner did not think this was an issue? It was sitting on the table!This happens every single time he goes for outings at his golf clubs and the D.C. hotel. Imagine what our adversaries know about him and our country’s secrets. He is a profound national security threat to our country and the media needs to begin asking why cell phones were not confiscated prior to the dinner.


He looks like he should be stabbing Janet Leigh to death in a shower at the Bates Motel.

I think he actually is a psycho.


Every Republican Senator who votes to acquit Trump is admitting they believe they cannot win elections anymore. Not without cheating, not without riding the coattails of this one anti-constitutional demagogue who wandered into their tent.

The final vote is essentially a vote of confidence in the GOP’s political prospects. The Democrats will vote 47-0 that representational democracy is still (largely) acceptable (despite their apparently being out-flanked by the oligarch-backed GOP over the past 10 years).

Republicans want to vote 53-0 to never have to face another election cycle. I sympathize.


Perhaps the senator would like to call a witness to verify his claims?


Checkmate in 1.


Yeah, there’s something about the guy - he looks like the pea in a whistle.


Then he should have gone through the proper channels to do it, not hire hit men to take her out.


This president will only accept good-mouthing, if you know what I mean and I’m afraid you do.


Yeah, why in God’s name would he be ordering a “total stranger” to “take her out”?

And Trump has never ousted anyone. All he does, like the cowardly vermin he is, is tweet vulgarities and slanders until his intended target has had enough and tenders his/her resignation.


It’s hard to imagine someone with the title of diplomat doing something as undiplomatic as bad mouthing trumPP. She served at his pleasure, and the coward could’ve fired her discreetly at any time. But no. The guy raised on television has to make a vulgar show of it. Dicks? trumPP has the entire R party’s dicks in a vise. Along with money changing hands, it’s a powerful incentive to say indefensible things.


He also orders others to fire people, e.g. “McGahn, fire Mueller.”


Before Cotton and his little Senate friends jump to conclusions, they might want to think about what Marcy Wheeler speculates in one of her fairly recent posts: that the attack on Yovanovitch began with Parnas and Fruman, who had their own reasons for wanting her out. They were working their own grift, according to Marcy, and they sucked Trump in. That was easy. Check out Marcy’s conclusions, in the third from last paragraph.


And Parnas had occasion to be around Yovanovitch to hear her say that?
Oh, he just heard someone told him who was told by someone else who heard it.
I hear Cotton beats his wife and she goes around saying he has a small dick - at least that what I’ve heard.