Cotton Defends Trump In Recording | Talking Points Memo

And on The Apprentice it was the producers of the program who told him who to fire.


He was not precipitous. He didn’t just act on the word of these people. He waited more than a year and got more information as well,” Cotton said. “So I think the video, again, it reminds me a lot of what we saw in the Kavanaugh controversy, and I don’t think it influences the votes of any senators that I’ve heard.”

Senator ‘birthday cake’ has spoken!!!


Senator Cotton’s argument might hold some water if it didn’t take almost another year from being told that the ambassador was “bad mouthing” him for the president to just recall her.


Taking the word of a mobbed-up two-bit grifter working some corrupt angle–a guy who’s so dirty that you now claim not to know him–that the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine was badmouthing him is a pretty sound reason for Trump to remove her. Especially if you’re the mobster who wants her removed.


Parnas told Rachel Maddow that he told Trump she was badmouthing him but that it wasn’t true. Parnas even apologized for his actions in this regard. Obviously Cotton doesn’t pay much attention to news that isn’t on Fox.


Every time I have been to Latin America, voting issues (the word is fraude) have been a central concern, particularly if I am there during an election.

Every time the idea of our voting in this coming election come up, my mind automatically goes to the above…for two reasons (1) past acquaintance with the concept of dishonest elections and (2) Trump being a thoroughly corrupt person.

Simply evaluating the on-going Impeachment Article, which clearly directs us to view Trump as a cheater, and determined to win an upcoming dishonest election, observing GOP Senators in their lockstep subservience to Trump (FAR FAR more zombie-like than EVER took place in the Watergate Era) leads any logical person to conclude that they are counting on such an upcoming, dishonest election…with THEM on the presidential coat-tails.


Tom Cotton. A noun, a verb, a bomb Iran.
I guess his hard on has subsided now that it looks like we’re not nuking Iran any time soon.


“She was no angel; she had it coming to her!”

This guy’s bad news. This is the new and improved “Trump V. 2”.


This is what’s genuinely shocking to me about this. Parnas appears to be working for some mystery crook, almost certainly mobbed-up with Russian and Ukrainian gangsters or a gangster himself (Firtash), gets private access to Trump for a measly couple hundred grand, and then with a single lie calculated to hit Trump square in his malignant narcissism starts the machinery to get rid of the anti-corruption ambassador who’s blocking mystery mobster’s schemes. Corrupting POTUS–and recording him being corrupted!–is like taking candy from a baby.


So Cotton is simultaneously saying Trump didn’t know Parnas and, yet, he took Parnas’s word that Yovanovitch was bad-mouthing him? Then directed him or someone in that room to “take her out”?

That’s his argument? That the President of the United States took the word of a total stranger with probable mob connections to “fire” his Ambassador?


Yovanovitch “made him” do it.


You’re far too kind. May they all rot in hell. For more immediate gratification, may they all face their last election cycle in November.


The polecat version


With added fetid and pusillanimous features.


What did Schiff say? Trump took the word of Guliani over his Intelligence agencies. Guliani’s over Wray’s. So, of course, he took the word of a mobbed-up grifter over, well, he didn’t even ask to hear from Yovanovitch to get her side, did he? I wonder why. Betcha somewhere in there they were talking about getting a cut of that Ukrainian oil. And what do you know -that’s what Rick Perry was working on.


Followup to my previous post:

Historians look at large groups of people and their national sentiment. We also look at important people who can be generators and modifiers of these sentiments.

  • Schiff…the latter
  • Ideas and sentiments held by the great majority of the population…the former

I pray with all my Might that the ideas and sentiments held by the great majority of the population INCLUDE these thoughts.

"Donald Trump plans on stealing the upcoming 2020 election by a number of dishonest means and this is against the American Way of Life


More dummies than there are ventriloquists.


Sure, Tom, were it true. But like everything else that bubbles up from the Toadglans cesspool, it’s yet another lie.


Cotton knows that if a president wants an ambassador removed all he needs to do is to let the Sec. of State know, and the ambassador would be fired in 5 minutes. The president doesn’t need to mutter to underlings like Henry II hoping to kill Thomas Beckett.


I did not know that. But I’m not surprised, either.