Constitutional Sheriffs Refuse To Follow Or Enforce Illinois’ New Assault Weapons Ban

Sadly you’re wrong. Eventually the SCOTUS will take a case on this issue and allow civilian AR-15’s, which only the uninformed would call an assault weapon. You need to educate yourself on a subject before taking people, who know what they’re talking about, to task.

[moderator edit]

Why aren’t there quotes around “constitutional”, given that there’s nothing constitutional about it and it’s just a name they gave themselves that has as much relation to reality as my calling myself an Olympic athlete? Plus, adding quotes is implied sarcasm, well merited here. And, sorry, but of course this bozo looks like he spends more time at the local Golden Corral than he does at the firing range. I wouldn’t trust him to protect a doghouse from puppies.

Sorry, you can’t use insults and words like that here. Disagree respectfully or don’t even bother. Flagged.


If they refuse to enforce the law then they’re in violation of it and the appropriate authorities can take legal action.

Sheriffs don’t get to exercise judicial review. If they don’t like a law then tough, they can try to get them changed but until then they’re required to uphold it. If they think a law is unconstitutional then they can challenge the law in court, but unless and until it’s overturned, they are required to enforce that law. That’s how the constitution and our legal system work. Individuals don’t get to decide what is and isn’t constitutional and ignore laws they deem to be unconstitutional. You’re asserting the theory of nullification, which has been ruled invalid at every level from individuals to states.

I can only assume which side you’d have rooted for in the Civil War.


“Constitutional Sheriffs”

I was kind of wondering what in the world “Constitutional Sheriffs” are.

Now I understand, they’re big fat right-wing assholes who like to play make-believe games with the constitution of the United States.

They’re the law enforcement version of George Santos, major league bullshit artists with botoxed balls.


So the Governor then ought to direct the state police to arrest and charge any such Sherriff who refuses to enforce the law with dereliction of duty.

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Being an elected official didn’t stop DeSantis from removing the Tampa District attorney.

Good thing they haven’t let the notion that because they’re sheriff that they are somehow the >arbitor< of the law go to their head or anything. Can’t wait to see what the local and federal courts think of this…

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Illinois is a giant corn field with Chicago in the northeast corner. Assault weapons aren’t that big a problem in the corn field.

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Duuuuude! I see you’re thirsting for some attention! Don’t the people in your St. Petersburg office ever spend time with you?


Oh, you’re going to love the Boncentration Bamps these guys are going to set up!

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You have to appreciate the gravity of the situation.

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Impeach the scumbags.

I see what you did there.

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I was thinking more of a gun right’s protest where all protesters would be people of color wearing shirts that support far left causes that scare red staters.

Fat, dumb, and white… must be a trend.

He’d probably lose a few steaming pounds on the spot…

h/t @thunderclapnewman

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Turn in your badge and gun. Start filling out the paperwork to continue to possess the other guns you surely own. You’re out of the enforcing business.

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