‘Constitutional’ Sheriff Cheers On Absentee Ballot Stunt By Right Wing Activist - TPM – Talking Points Memo

A Wisconsin sheriff who’s argued for months that the state’s top elections officials should be charged criminally actually celebrated a local right-wing activist who admitted that he filled out ballot request forms using other people’s names.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1426611

Just another small-town rube with a uniform and gun who thinks he’s a God among mere mortals instead of the glorified dog-catcher he really is. This is what Trumpism is all about.


Calling yourself a “constitutional” or “christian” whatever means you are the opposite of that.


So, when he sends them in with a vote and an affirmation of identity, what happens?


An analogy is helpful here. Imagine if a sheriff rolls up on his best friend, who called him up while in the process of breaking into the general store. His friend waves at him, comes out and reports on all the security vulnerabilities of the general store. The owner of the general store, a local woman who is of a different race or religion than the sheriff, never authorized this attack on her place of work, and is furious when she finds her place trashed in the morning.

The sheriff is confused, he thought he was doing her a favor.


So we have “ballot request fraud” here. Bit different than “voter fraud.”


Schmaling’s reported celebration of Wait’s stunt is in keeping with the worldview of the “constitutional sheriffs” movement. “Constitutional” sheriffs assert that they are the highest law enforcement authorities in their counties —

These jokers have to get used to the fact that, like here in NY, their powers and responsibilities end at booting cars.
I know it’s a let down from their pretensions; but, life is full of little disappointments.


An insane desire to trash and ultimately make ungovernable a country blessed with bounty and, for the most part, peace and prosperity enjoyed by too few of the earth’s denizens.


Lock him up. It’s not a perfect world we live in, part of what keeps things together is that we willingly obey the laws. So this jerk broke the law? Book em Danno!


Up is down, left is right, war is peace…

Fucking absurd. This is the same backwards, upside-down, inside-out doublethink type shit they’re mired in for pretty much everything at this point. It’ analogous to their “OMG 1,000 pounds of fentanyl were captured at the border” nonsense. Yeah, we can’t help it if people bring shit to the border…and we can’t help it if people ATTEMPT voter fraud. We catch them and that shows the system is WORKING.


The taxpayers of Racine County should fire this boy’s ass. He is not up to the job, and he is picking and choosing which laws he is going to enforce. Why should they waste the money he is being paid to not do his job?


In other news, I just hacked up my neighbor with a fire axe in order to make a political point about the problem of violent crime.


what he did was illegal, duh, but getting a ballot is not the same as “voting.”


So he’s not elected and they didn’t vote for this?


I be criming and disenfranchising but it’s ok and cool because I had a point to make.

I do hope that will be his actual legal defense


In Arizona’s effort not to be outdone on this front, the lovely Kelli Ward, GOP chairperson and all around nut job is now screaming that the pens being given to voters are part of a conspiracy to not count Republican votes. What is special about the pens is that the ink is fast drying and won’t gum up the counting machines, but of course, anyone with a brain full of garbage can see through that immediately. Kelli is busy screaming to anyone who will isten that you must bring your own pens to the polls when you vote.

Never-ending here. Meanwhile, Cyber Ninjas continue to be fined $50k a day for not turning over requested documents.


Fire axe!? You were lucky to have a fire axe. I had to make do with a blunt Ginzu knife.


The number of crazy, corrupt, cruel, violent (add adjectives as desired) people in positions of authority who are out here among us is frighteningly astounding.


If he used the names of other registered voters, that would keep them from being able to vote until and unless his criming gets sorted


“Basically, I committed a crime when I ordered them,” Wait told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Wait told Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling what he’d done.

"I said, ‘Does that mean you’re not going to arrest me?’ And he said, ‘Hell, no’.”

Just another horrific example of how pink men are the most oppressed minority in America.