This will be interesting. Republicans voted to possibly put someone in office who will be willing to waste tax dollars fighting his own office’s facts regarding voter fraud.
Admittedly, it’s hard for me, after last night, not to view national politics with a Kansas-centric gaze, but:
The No vote showed that a whole lot of Republicans voted along with the usual suspects. And, given that anyone, regardless of party affiliation or lack thereof, could vote on the amendment, you wouldn’t be crazy to see that vote as akin to that of a general election. All I’m saying is that, yes, the GOP, whether it likes it or not, has to account for Trump and his base in its thinking, but there does seem to be a decent hunk of Republicans that are not full-on demented and won’t vote with their party in the general election if their candidate is out-and-out crazed. (There was evidence of that in the Georgia 2020 election, that showed that enough GOPers chose not to vote for Trump that he ended up losing that state.) Anyway, I’m hopeful that the same dynamics will be at work in AZ and MI and in other states where GOP primary voters have selected howler monkeys for candidates.
The ghost of Evan Mecham seems to permeate the Arizona GOP … angry, irrational, dim-witted White-supremacists … determined to beligerently rage about stuff .
Republican voters get in line every time to be bent over by professional republicans if they think they can own the libs. There is no shortage of examples.
As a side note, we’ve seen a few examples over the years of republicans who were absolutely convinced that they knew what was going on behind the scenes in a given org, then got put in charge and learned and admitted that they were wrong before. Finchem is clearly not going to be one of those people if he wins.
As an Arizonan, I hate to say it but I am not surprised at how well the Trump backed candidates did in the GOP primaries. These people seem to be stuck in a really bad way. Lake, Masters and Finchem are some of the worst office seekers in the entire country. It is discouraging.
I will draw my hope from Kansas and do everything I can to get Dems out this November. But I am going to wallow a little bit this morning.
Blake Masters! JFC - I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that we do actually border Mexico?
I knew a lot of really right-wingers from the Midwest who retired to AZ a decade or so back. Just like right-winger New Yorkers went to Florida. The tides are changing.
Arizona is being taken over by new Midwest refugees – and they are younger, and more liberal. So the right-wingers are uprooting themselves again. You know where they are moving to? The old Confederate states, and mostly, Virginia (where all the “power” is,) and North Carolina.