Congress Reaches Deal On Major COVID Relief Package | Talking Points Memo

WASHINGTON (AP) — Top Capitol Hill negotiators sealed a deal Sunday on an almost $1 trillion COVID-19 economic relief package, finally delivering long-overdue help to businesses and individuals and providing money to deliver vaccines to a nation eager for them.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

“It is packed with targeted policies to help struggling Americans who have already waited too long.”

No shit, Sherlock…

Yertle must be really nervous about internal polling for the Georgia Senate races.

That’s the only conceivable reason he would make a minimal effort to seem to remotely be addressing the catastrophe at hand.

Republicans suck the big one.


Not sure what else could have been done. If we don’t win Georgia, I guarantee you nothing else will be done.


In a last-minute compromise, each American will also receive a $2,000 IOU signed by Donald Trump.


The article is a bit short on details, but apparently details haven’t been released yet.

From WaPo
“ Negotiators also agreed to extend the deadline for states and cities to use unspent money approved for them by the Cares Act, two people familiar with internal deliberations said. States and cities have until the end of the year to spend billions of dollars before it expires and has to be returned to the federal government. The deal would instead extend that deadline for a full year.”

“ The agreement will also extend for one month a moratorium on evictions that is set to expire at the end of the year, two people with knowledge of the matter said. The moratorium will be extended through January, at which point Democrats believe the incoming Biden administration can extend it again if necessary. The legislation will also provide approximately $25 billion in emergency assistance to renters, the people said, although it remained unclear how that money would be disbursed.”

“ Lawmakers had also not yet released text of the agreement between senior Democrats and Sen. Patrick J. Toomey (R-Pa.) over the central bank, which was a sticking point on Saturday.”


you just wait till the details are finally read… there’s bound to be millions, dare is say billions, in additional tax breaks for the billionaire class included in this.


Looking forward to president bozo signing it as his tiny fucking desk.


So, basically, Democrats settled for a package that’s 1/3 of the one they originally passed, that’s just as stingy as the GOP wanted, and gives Republicans just enough cover to pretend they “care”. This isn’t compromise; it’s acquiescence.

Maybe they didn’t have any choice, but we don’t have to fucking like it, and I’m not going to bend over and say, “Thank you, sir, may I have another!” May those conservative, right-wing, Republican fuckers rot in hell.

“There will be another major rescue package for the American people,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said in announcing the agreement for a relief bill that would total almost $900 billion. “It is packed with targeted policies to help struggling Americans who have already waited too long.”

Fuck you, McConnell, you small, miserly, vicious, mean and greedy, Putin-enabling, testudinate little Moscow-Mtich hobble-goblin.

Yeah, I’m angry.


“The legislation was held up by months of dysfunction, posturing and bad faith. But talks turned serious last week as lawmakers on both sides finally faced the deadline…”

Chevy Chase: “Tonight’s Top Story: AP is still valiantly holding on in its fight to remain bothsiderist.”


I’m just waiting for “And in other news, disgraced ex-Senator Mitch McConnell is still dead”.


Remember when the most-childish thing imaginable was a US President reading “My Pet Goat” after being told that terrorists were slamming airliners into the World Trade Center?

Those were the days…


via read2much:

“ The agreement will also extend for one month a moratorium on evictions that is set to expire at the end of the year, two people with knowledge of the matter said. The moratorium will be extended through January, at which point Democrats believe the incoming Biden administration can extend it again if necessary. The legislation will also provide approximately $25 billion in emergency assistance to renters, the people said, although it remained unclear how that money would be disbursed.”

“ Lawmakers had also not yet released text of the agreement between senior Democrats and Sen. Patrick J. Toomey (R-Pa.) over the central bank, which was a sticking point on Saturday.”

Democrats better go through the printer galleys of that bill with a fine-tooth comb before it goes to press. I wouldn’t put it past the GOP to secretly change the wording in the bill before (or even after) it’s voted on.

(ETA: I fully expect Republicans to try to sneak in language to limit Biden’s powers and options once he takes office.)


Long night for congressional staffers!


Cool. I’ll sell you mine for $50 cash.


It’s way past time for Moscow Mitch to be sidelined. NO WHERE in the constitution does it say that he controls the agenda.

We have had 10 years of “norms” and “decorum” while this ass hat shits all over the country.

If we follow the rules as written, the VP presides over the Senate, not the majority leader. Cut this shithead off.


There’s always another hostage. Something the GOTPers know well, and Democrats need to be reminded of every single time.


…if they don’t take the Senate, how will a Biden administration extend it?


“There will be another major rescue package for the American people,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said in announcing the agreement for a relief bill that would total almost $900 billion. “It is packed with targeted policies to help struggling Americans who have already waited too long.”

I kept reading on down, but did I miss where after making this statement Mitch was either smote by the hand of Zeus or just burst into flames on his own?


…policies to help struggling Americans who have already waited too long.

McConnell omits the policies he opposed (singularly) that would have helped  more  struggling Americans.


The one I expect to be buried in there is the liability waiver - can’t have corporations being held responsible for the managers gambling on how many employees are going to get sick and die because of unsafe working conditions they themselves created - “Think Of The Shareholders!™…”