I suppose getting full access to TFG’s tax returns could fill in some gaps but it doesn’t seem very meaningful, maybe even past closing the barn door after the horses are gone and the barn has burned down.
The man absolutely, white hot-tively cannot stand for any of his personal business and life to be in the open. He always wants to mete out information as it suits him. He can compartmentalized and tweak information at will. Part of the gas lighting process.
It’s worth it to open the books for that alone. He will obsess over it to distraction.
It cannot be said enough: Bushism begat Trumpism. There would have been no Trump were it not for Bush the lesser - plus a media, then as now, accurately termed “beyond obsequious.” But they are even worse now.
Maybe our republic will survive. I’m glad to have Brooks and the Never Trumpers on our side, and we probably would have lost our republic last fall without them. Too bad they didn’t see Bush the Lesser - and Cheney, Karl Rove especially, John Yoo, Rumsfeld, Rice and the rest of that thoroughly rotten bunch - for what they were. HTF do you think we got here?
For our republic to surive, Trump must be indicted, tried, convicted and imprisoned; probably nothing less.
McFadden concluded by cautioning Neal not to publish Trump’s returns.
“Anyone can see that publishing confidential tax information of a political rival is the type of
move that will return to plague the inventor,” McFadden wrote. ” It might not be right or wise to publish the returns, but it is the Chairman’s right to do so. Congress has granted him this extraordinary power, and courts are loath to second guess congressional motives or duly enacted statutes.”
Correct me if I’ve missed something here, but the question of publishing the information was not actually at issue here, right?
This is just a district judge.
TFG will appeal, the an appeals court has to rule against him.
Then his attorneys will request an en banc ruling, which will go against him.
Then he’ll appeal to the Supes (Stupes?) who will refuse to hear it.
Then they’ll ask the district judge to review his decision.
Justice delayed is justice denied and this MF is good at evading justice.
He knows it will go to the supremes, who will of course take the case, then shelve it, dust it off in July 2022 only to remand it to lower court on a technicality right when the SC’s session ends, receive it again in October 2022, then shelve it again until they know who will control the House in 2023. This is what they’ve done in the past, so it is reasonable to assume they will do it again.
True, they don’t give a damn about TFG who gave them their seats, but they care very much about who will replace Breyer, since they’re going to have to work with that person for the rest of their lives. TFG being shown to be an empty-walleted charlatan who’s been living on the float for the past 20 years would depress turnout, and the 2023 senate right now is a 50-50 shot.
The last thing that’s needed is anything with even a whiff of martyrdom. He’s already been beatified and canonized by his MAGAts, contra to any actual deed. No need to give them even a morsel of reality to base their delusion on.
Momentum is clearly against Trump now…bigly as he might say. From the Select Committee investigation to the Manhattan grand jury to the Georgia election fraud case to his tax returns. Everyone of these cases are moving against him.
And perhaps worst of all for him, the backstop he thought he had just isn’t there - his appointed judges aren’t interested in doing his dirty work.
Maybe what Churchill said about America is true. That you can always count on us to do the right thing, once we’ve exhausted all other possibilities.
Why stop at Reagan, a dozen years prior Republicans literally elected a crook, despite his claims to the contrary, to office begetting us the Southern Strategy.
I’m not enough of a student of presidential history to cite an example, but I’ll bet trickydick wasn’t the first crook in the white house. But dicksie and any other prior crooks at least faked seriousness and solemnity.