Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) has been outstripping the sizable competition in the race to become President Donald Trump’s biggest, and most thoroughly rejected, flunky.
So Kemp gets the Annual Jeff Sessions Sniveling Toady Award. And so early in the year. But he does get a tiny plaque with his name and a year’s supply of Kleenex.
Trump is the best plant ever by the Dems. By pretending to be one of them and going inside the republican party, he’s managed to do more damage to the party than any of us imagined possible.
Coronavirus Response Coordinator Deborah Birx, whose mannerisms Trump finds “elegant,” was dispatched to change the President’s mind. Trump, never one to agonize much over changing his loyalties, agreed to denounce Kemp at the presser.
Sounds like Dr. Birx performed the dance of the seven scarves for Herod, I mean Trump, and asked for Kemp’s head on a platter.
Surely someone pointed out to Dear Leader that GA is a red state and it would be awfully inconvenient to his election prospects to have a tsunami of a 2nd wave in the fall run-up.
Here’s what’s gonna happen, folks: Trump is gonna push the big blue states that contribute disproportionately to the GDP - NY, CA, IL - to reopen much sooner than the red states. If there’s a 2nd wave there, so what, fuck em, they do not vote for us anyway.