The Republican God is Ayn AS IN MINE Rand.
Kemp stole the election from Stacy Abrams when he was Secy of State by rigging the election in several devious and illegal ways. He proved then he’d do anything to take charge because he knew he would eventually be involved in appeasing the moron and Abrams certainly wouldn’t have done that.
Trump gets to have it both ways. Open up. Don’t open up. I never said to open up. Yank the strings and see the puppets dance.
Only if your kneepads are coordinated with your suit.
He’s not that smart
I was pointing out to a friend that this is one huge libertarian wet dream. No leadership from the top. States, mayors, localities left up to themselves to decide what measures to take.
People will go back to work and whether your boss adequately protects you from the virus or from passing it will be left up to the ’free market’. If you get the rona and die and leave behind staggering medical bills, well you should have gotten an education so you can get a better job with good health insurance. If you lose your job due to the rona and therefore lose your health insurance and then get the rona and die leaving behind staggering medical bills, well you should have been a better worker or you wouldn’t have lost your job.
If you go to the casino and get the rona and die, well that’s your fault for not practicing good hygiene and social distancing
The better-off will have much more of a likelihood that they can perform their jobs safely than the little people who stock the stores, make and serve the fast food, and so on. They are just disposable proles anyway, amirite? As replaceable as an agricultural field worker.
It’s the ultimate caveat emptor, motherfuckers.
But, but, but … the patriot protestors! Damn, I was hoping for some herd infections.
This ^^^^^^^
No doubt Trump will be praising Kemp’s actions in a few days.
I imagine the conversation went something like this.
Trump: “We’ve got to have a fall guy. The public needs a victim, somebody they can pin those fifty thousand deaths on.”
Kemp: “You’ve been playing with me…just pretending you cared to trap me like this. You didn’t care at all! You don’t love me!”
Trump: “Sorry, Brian, you’re taking the fall.”
Yup - typical tRumpian approach - cowardice and passive-aggressive behavior designed to make sure HE doesn’t get blamed for the result either way…
He’ll be saying that Fauci told him to wait in Georgia since nothing is ever his responsibility.
So slavish devotion to The Dotard does not engender a reciprocal response?
Nobody could have predicted.
Sounds more like anarchy than libertarianism.
Give it 14-21 days!
The Teabaggers of 2010 are now the Covidiots of 2020…and the Dirt Nappers starting in those 14-21 days…
I guess trump thinks only states with D governors need to be “liberated.”
Uh oh! The (dignity) Wraith strikes again! Must have been those damned fool hobbits, lighting a fire on Weathertop again.
are they really that far apart?
It is a beautiful thing to see a headline that does not require a snark tag.
For my slow and dignity-challenged governor, maybe you should try wearing this thing for a while.
“…when will they ever learn? When will they ever learn!”
My thoughts are prayers are with Brian Kemp today.