Really can you prove it? No, your can’t. You’re entitled to your opinion ad I’m entitled to the truth I LIVE. Have a nice day.
Columbia Doctor Defends University After Trump Bashes ‘Liberal’ Institution Over Damning COVID Study
Awk -what do the call the poor thing.
Columbia has a liberal reputation gained at least as early as the 1960’s when it was a hotbed of anti-war protests. I don’t know that reputation is accurate.
Um, yeah. Please, TPM, or Discobot, or whomever: proof-read. Failing that, update quickly.
I’m not surprised that liar Sharyl Attkisson was involved in this BSfest. The same psychotic Attkisson who said Obama hijacked her computer…but it comes out later there was a broken key on it…
The vast majority of credible intellectuals, academics and scientists these days lean left, because that’s where reality, truth and decency lie. Liberalism is the natural ideology of all moral, intelligent and educated people, and conservatism is just a maladaptive reaction to liberalism by people too stupid, selfish or angry to embrace liberalism. It’s basically just prettied-up resentment and selfishness.
Girl didn’t want to go out with you in HS, become a conservative. Passed up for that promotion for a woman or POC, become a conservative. Required to have a background check to buy a gun, become a conservative. Told that red meat and fried foods are bad for you, become a conservative. Conservatism is what angry and usually stupid, selfish and racist losers turn to for comfort.
The President’s Memorial Day Message, everybody: People are being mean to me.
And now, I make coffee.
I hope that someone with access to the paperwork keeps copies of the original and the changes just in case the kid wants to legally change his name in the future.
And with that said the kid’s classmate will given him his real name, not his wacko parents.
And Pelosi and Shiff.
Eeayetwelveksii. Ksii, for short?
Pill! It’s another bad pun.
“Ex-ash-A-12,” it just rolls off the tongue doesn’t it?
Mom: Ex-ash-A 12, time for dinner!
School buddies: Hey, X, catch! or maybe, Hey, Ash, catch!
X Æ A-Xii on college entry: Jim Musk, nice to meet you.
Yeah, yeah, that was back in the day when “conservatives” hadn’t publicly exposed that they had lost their minds.
And is it just me but why do today’s Republican never speak of Eisenhower, or Reagan in those admiringly tones anymore?
No one has ever been treated worse or had to endure more suffering than me, in the entire history of the world! I alone am being treated so badly, for being the best, hardest-working and most accomplished president in history! Christ himself wasn’t treated as bad! They made him a god, while I’m being LITERALLY crucified! So sad!
Cuomo and de Blasio govern a state and a city with large populations. Democrats are far more likely to live in densely populated areas, that is, cities, and so will become sick more easily, whereas R’s live in less densely populated areas and aren’t becoming sick in the same numbers. Unaffected red cities and communities don’t believe the virus is coming for them. Ha!
I suspect his classmates will come up with something like Musk O-X
“Our human capital stock is ready to get back to work,” he said, while admitting at the same time that the nation will continue to struggle with unemployment as high as 23% this month.
We continue to inch closer to the Welchian “You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?” Moment that will tumble this house of cards*, thus closing the Joe McCarthy/Roy Cohn/†Я☭mp Circle of Fools, Knaves and Crooks.
- perhaps Nov 3.
And as someone over at WaPo pointed out “human capital” sounds exactly like slave.