The only chance the asshole in chief has is by turning everything into a partisan issue and dividing the country along those lines.
As if political affiliation and party loyalty leads all other considerations, including professional commitments and simple survival, for any but a small minority.
Certainly, it’s not true for him and the people who surround him: the grift and balance sheet clearly lead among his clique and its sponsors.
Which makes it a likely explanation for why it’s the second go to for Donnie when he belittles and denigrates his opponents. The projection is strong in this one.
Columbia Doctor Defends University After Trump Bashes ‘Liberal’ Institution Over Damning COVID Study
Nobody tells tells a tenured faculty member what to do.
This from the guy who proposed swilling bleach and U.V. enemas as treatments for Covid.
As always trump think that he cam make a comment and the world takes it as gospel. Well, his base does but at this point-do they really count? Yea, I’m talking about the stupid that runs strong with tRump and his base. I have tRump supporters on my spouses side of the family who I stay away from except my mother in law who I like to taut-just a little. She’s an over the top evangelical who years ago called me a witch because I’m a Buddhist. Several members of his family are educated people but not intelligent-they are mutually exclusive yet they hold onto the mythical figure-tRump with a passion. One, a Doctor-MD, isn’t allowed to visit her 80 year old mother because she refuses to wear a mask when she visits so the door lock code was changed to prevent her from coming in the house. The mother has had major health issues the last 5 years yet her daughter-the MD can’t make that shift because of cultism.
Any person, place of thing is liberal to the CON if you disagree with him because…
On the other hand, Trump is always “much very good.”
This is like Trump yelling at the clouds for bringing the rain.
OT. No explanation is needed. It’s patently obvious.
But he’d be the first to insist on being bumped up to the front of the line ahead of more deserving people if he needed some experimental treatment for a serious medical condition that only Columbia offered. Which, if Columbia had any guts, it would refuse to accommodate, and let him die.
That boy ain’t right, and I hope he succumbs.
For months, me & my colleagues at Columbia University’s medical center have treated thousands of #COVID19 patients
Whatever his qualifications for his job—I assume they are excellent—grammar isn’t one of them.
It’s official. We’ve passed Peak Musk, and it’s all downhill from here. He’s now in late stage Howard Hughes mode, even if he still clips his fingernails.
Your rong, he has grate grammer skils.
Well, it does happen to be the university that appointed Eisenhower as their President after he retired from the military and before he ran for President of the United States, so clearly a cesspool of Liberalism…
You’re just saying that because it’s true. Hater.
Sounds like you’re stretching things a little, here.
Alternatively, “Compassion has a liberal bias.”
He couldn’t have bought his way into Columbia, much less have been accepted on the merits. That bugs the shit out of him.
For the love of all that’s decent.
Every fcking report that repeats, in often excruciating detail, every fking lie and malignant deceit of this sociopathic, diseased entity, it acts to amplify and spread his virus.
This story could have been written to give respectful review of Dr. Craig Spencer’s remarks, with a simple, “said in response to…” lies made by the WH occupant.
You want to know what lies were made by the WH occupant? Go find them elsewhere.
Trump’s whole MO is to exploit the press’ willingness to cover every fleck of diseases shyte that issues from his orifices.
The man is a disgrace to his race. The human race.
Do you really think Trump read the study? Someone showed him the headline, or read the bullet points to him.
This whole blame it on the Governors, and the states needed to step up and take charge crap is BS. We all know it’s BS, but a Trumper won’t think it through. Who here had advanced knowledge of what was happening in China? Who here has/had a world renown agency that studies these things?
The deflection is getting absurd and tiring.
You know?? It is almost useless to try to “correct” the lies that this Fat Orange Thing continues to spew out. It is clear that he is acting like a cornered wounded animal trying to chew off his own leg to get away from being made into a fur coat.