‘Church’ Selling Bleach As COVID Cure Hit With Criminal Charges | Talking Points Memo

In a February interview cited in the affidavit, Mark Grenon noted that religious institutions were insulated from the law governing commercial ventures.

This applies solely to your snake handling concession.


Well, the taxi medallion thing didn’t work out so he had to try other things.


Never heard of Uber Eats Mikey? Hope they extend his sentence for violating the terms of his release.

This is a real two for one deal: cure COVID, and bleach your sins away.


That month, after the Grenons started promoting MMS as a COVID-19 cure, their monthly sales revenue went from around $32,000 per month, on average, to $123,000, according to the feds — a nearly four-fold increase.

Sometimes you just have to stop and weep for the stupidity.


Oh wow. I was just mentioning this the other day. Someone beat me to the punch. Niiiice.

Its better than a billboard. These masks can be like this year’s walking billboards.


a family business of sorts that, according to authorities, sold a half-million dollars in “Miracle Mineral Solution” (MMS) products to their devoted followers over the past year.

Its like when Indian Tribal Gaming compacts come up in California; something I don’t care for and ruins the particiants and their families over time, but sooooooooo well deserved I just can’t hope they get shut down.

Or smile, knowing that Darwin is right.

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“That’s when you pick up guns, right?” he said. “You want a Waco? Do they want a Waco?”

I’m okay with another “Waco.”* You know how that one ended, right?

*The Branch Davidian thing. One City of Waco is plenty already, thanks.


Geez, how dumb can you get??

(Note: rhetorical question, no response expected.)


Oooooooh, gotta get me one of those!


The affidavit alleges that the Grenons’ “church” is simply a front for their bleach business.

Hmmmm… White Power?


If you locate a site online let me know.

I gotta jump in the shower. Its like 96 degrees here and 110% humidity outside today, and I’m schvitzing. Rain coming tonight but its only supposed to saturate the air even more when that happens.

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What rotten aholes. Can they send them to JAIL??? I hate to think they would just be ‘fined’.


Fine. I guess you won’t care what your cellmate does either.


He’s not using his own snake oil. IF he was he’d be bluegrey by now.

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Praise the Lord… They really need to stop this nonsense. Any religion that is worth while puts people’s safety first and foremost, well ahead of paying the minister’s salary.

Why weren’t they prosecuted in the past? Oh! That’s right. It’s Florida.

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Sort of the reverse of the MAGA hat that could, unfortunately, end up in an ass kicking.

Except when the dumbasses give it to their autistic kids. You know, if 3 drops are good, 6 or 12 are probably better because Johnny is really autistic. The label does say it’s sacramental.

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Another example of Trump only hiring “the finest people”. They even screw up their own jail release during a pandemic.

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