Cheney Underscores ‘Threat’ Of Trump Before Public Hearings

I find it valuable, like a weather report. Keeps me informed of storms brewing on the horizon. Some can be ignored, others might develop into something more dangerous. Worth keeping an eye on.


Morgan Freeman is fuckless…Samuel L. Jackson is mutha-fuckless! :joy:


you are so clever!!!

Hopefully it won’t take as many days as last time comments were down

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lol, he may have been wrong, but it worked,he is still there.

Hives comments working, no problem, at least for now.
Tiresome how much this has been happening.


Or, unlike TMFFFG, she could’ve drank a glass of water without needing two hands to guide it to the open pustule serving as his mouth.

Shirley, that would’ve impressed SOMEbody…

The planet is burning and because of GOP shenanigans the Dems are playing catch up constantly. If we had had a decent Supreme Court, Gore would have at least set us on the right path. McConnell is just as responsible for the COVID deaths in this country by being on board with anti-masking and staying silent while quack cures were sweeping the his constituents neighborhoods. And I always first think of Barr as the third consul in this evil triumverate - but it really should be Pence. He knew first hand what an inept, Russian-controlled racist incompetent person 45* is, and yet he never said a peep just so he could stay in power. His blandness is his greatest asset as it allows him to blend with the woodwork.


Russia probably feels Jackson is less aware than he needs to be of the struggles of the working classes in the emerging nation of What.

Ask discobot how discobot can help.

i have no idea how old you are,PRES. ZELENSKY[?] suggested reading the WW2 history of UKRAINE, I vaguely remember people from UKRAINE coming to Canada and probably the US as well, after WW2… they do not take kindly to being occupied by any country…i’ve read that guerrila war -fare was devloped in UKRAINE during the German occupation…


You’re right. My only point is that Kissinger’s notion of ceding territory in exchange for a cease fire is dumb. Indeed, a lot of people in the Russian-occupied part of Donbas grew fed up with the under-delivery of promised services and improved lifestyle. What Russia glommed onto was the the lowering of the status of Russian, Belarussian (Yiddish not so much), first in education in 2017, then in public services in 2019. The Hungarian-speaking minority, in contrast, was protected because Hungarian is an EU language. The language law did not have to be provocative, and someday even Russian may be an official EU language. Finland, for example, has generous language legislation. Education in Swedish, Finnish, Saami, English, Russian and other languages are well supported.

Right? That stare Morgan has that says “the distance between my fucks is greater than the distance from here to the edge of the universe” is so money though haha. Plus, the man fell asleep on TV mid-interview with with Michael Caine. If that doesn’t say “the universe’s expansion has yet to catch up to my next fuck” then I dunno what does lol


I agree with you. I think demanding that any country adopt your language on your say-so is a non-starter. Any country can choose to acknowledge any language they wish as official or otherwise, but it’s not Russia’s call (in this case.) And Russia’s intent is to undermine the governance of Ukraine in ways large and small - peeling off the allegiance of one part of the population by using a different language is just one way to rupture the unity of the populace. BTW, how does that work with Spanish in this country? Any push back, antipathy?

ETA Kissinger should just go away. He’s done enough damage for one lifetime.

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Okay, that last “complete the pattern” is correct either way, unless you note that it says “pattern” singular and interpret them all as being part of the same group.

Anyway, test fail, unless you fill in like a smiley face or something.

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Our children have English and Swedish as their mother tongues. When we enrolled them in grammar school in California and informed the school that they were bilingual, they were put in a special class for “challenged” language learners with about 40 kids who spoke mostly Spanish (plus two Igbo speakers who had British accents). What did we know? About eight weeks later my son, 6, comes up and says “Papa, me no gusta esta clase.” The office person said she thought Spanish was spoken in Switzerland, so we’d be cool with it.



Okay folks, let’s be careful here. “Bishops” do not equal “Catholics” any more than “Jews” equal, I dunno, how about Stephen Miller.

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She’s also largely cut off from her old friend and colleague circles and has been working close hours with manifestly upright big-D Democrats on the Jan 6 Committee.

I mean, changing who you hang with is step one in kicking any seriously bad habit. We’re rightly appalled and alarmed by Manchin’s cross-aisle backslapping, and can see the results. Liz Cheney is not at all weak-willed like he is, but her being shunned by her bad-faith colleagues has hopefully allowed her to open her mind a bit about what is best for the country policy-wise.

Or she could just double-down to prove a point.

In any case, I’m glad she’s the one who chose Constitution over party here, because I do believe that many, many voters will take her seriously in a way that they just can’t with the usual GOP charlatans. Fingers crossed.

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“But her emails,” seriously?

You know what would have been a real scandal - her using manifestly hackable State Department channels for everything and AOL for the family pics. What people don’t get is that the constituency most affected here were the Russian intelligence services, not some guy from upstate New York who had some right to know when she visited her gynecologist.

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