Julian Castro isn’t apologizing for taking a shot at former Vice President Joe Biden’s memory during the Democratic debate Thursday night.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1248334
Julian Castro isn’t apologizing for taking a shot at former Vice President Joe Biden’s memory during the Democratic debate Thursday night.
Mr. Castro should understand that what’s far worse than electing a senile, delusional, forgetful president is pointing out the fact that he’s senile, delusional and forgetful.
The real time reaction from the audience was not good for Mr. Castro.
Trump called his VP “Pounce” yesterday.
Not going to get a job in the upcoming Biden administration
Yes it was personal Julian…and you KNOW it. In the DEBATE you said it was just ‘Democratic politics!’ You KNEW what you did…then you pretended it wasn’t an ‘ageism’ shot and now you don’t ‘regret’ it? Oh OK. You look like a putz. Debate the POLICIES and leave the personal alone…oh, and when you TAKE a shot try and get it ‘right’…it appears YOU are the one with the memory problem.
Well, it’s a delicate thing. I am very much against the wide-spread ageism that’s rearing its ugly head in this election. But Biden does seem to have some memory issues, and you know that’s going to be hammered away at by the repubs.
Of course, their candidate often sounds like he’s in the middle of having a stroke, but that’s different.
I really don’t like Dems going after other Dems.
Going after Biden didn’t really help Harris other than a short term bump she couldn’t sustain.
I didn’t like when he went after Beto in the first debate and I don’t like going after Biden last night
At this point I’ve soured on Castro
When Biden talks about winning over Republicans who subtly fed the birther conspiracy, unabashedly held a Supreme Court seat, refused a united front against Russian sabotage of our democracy, and, now, won’t help safeguard our political system against another attack, the bigger question is whether Biden fully appreciates what the parts of the contemporary right wing that happily allied with Trump are made of.
The coming disinformation warfare on Biden’s age is of a piece with that. Biden and Democratic Party officials very well may appreciate what they’re facing. If so, we need to hear it.
@carlosfiance @gusfabriani The truth can be a bitch.
@morrigan_2575 If you didn’t like some Dems going after Biden (full disclosure: I didn’t watch the debate), wait till you see what trumpp & Co do to him.
Well personally I felt like the real Biden moment was when he started talking about the radio and the record player. I literally cringed.
Yeah the truth is a bitch and Biden is not all that sharp anymore.
There are times when you have to admit you were wrong, apologize, and move on. I know how hard it can be better than anyone.
Castro’s remark and lack of reflection and apology is disqualifying. It’s incredibly hard to get into the job market when you’re in your 60’s or over and people like my Dad who is immensely qualified can’t catch a break because employers see his whiting hair and turn him down. Castro pulled the old card on Biden and that will piss off a lot of elderly voters who value experience and hate being belittled.
This is a difficult topic because if the ageism concerns. But the fact of the matter is that it’s an individual concern more than an ageist concern. Bernie and warren are both similar in age and sharp. Biden doesnt strike me as sharp anymore. Is not that coherent at times. He stumbles. These arent gaffes and it’s not the same as how he used to be.
Castro’s attack was as effective as that carefully-laid trap that Kamala Harris sprung on Biden in the first debate. It will generate a bit of buzz but ultimately it will be counter-productive.
Julian should start plotting his exit strategy. There’s still time to jump in the TX senate race.
This is just dumb. If Biden is too old, we’ll see it for ourselves and don’t need anyone to point it out. But some people think they’re the only ones with a brain and don’t understand why the rest of us don’t worship their opinions.
Any Democratic president is better than any Republican president, period. The first criteria for any Democratic contender is to understand this and keep their eye on the prize. Republicans want a clownshow with the clowns fighting to prove they’re the One True Clown who can take down the Clown-in-Chief. I fail to understand how it helps Democrats to participate.
Adios, Amigo.
I will also point out that I’m struggling to see the enthusiasm and coat tails that bidens going to drive. I like Biden. I just think he is going to get eaten alive.
It’s gone viral and that’s not good.
@burningquestions The old guy in the WH won’t hesitate to pull the old card on Biden just as he pulled the sick card on HRC when she appeared to be fainting. 45’s already got “Sleepy Joe” down pat.
Reagan once referred to his vice president as “George [rhymes with hush] Bush”
And he stopped just short of saying “phonograph”. I think he got as far as “phona…”, then stopped himself.
Bernie is 2 years older than Biden while Trump is 2 years younger. And Trump isn’t exactly the master of coherent language either.
Well we have to be realistic and you’re right - there is no comparison. Liz hasn’t lost a half a step - she is still completely together mentally. Biden just isn’t. And this whole ageism thing is a red herring as far as I’m concerned. Is it ageism that the Dept. of Motor Vehicles starts requiring the people show up and take another test when they reach a certain age? Have any of y’all had to take cars from your aging parents like I have? Come on people - I’m not young and I know how it goes as we age. Some of us age better than others but we all feel the affects goddamn it.