Capitol Police Surveillance Cams Caught Pelosi Home Break-In

Who says no one reports the good news?


Ok, I made it through a minute of the Fox cat freakout and I can’t take any more. This could be a bad SNL skit. What a farce.

If you honestly can’t make it in college then just drop out.” Ever been stressed out? Quit, ya pansy!

A cat will make everything better? Guess what, that doesn’t work in the real world!” Clearly she’s not a pet owner.

These people are so, so miserable. Yikes.


Garland will start a shitstorm if he indicts a declared candidate for the Presidency. And Trump knows it. Regardless it being deserved, there will be no way to avoid accusations of political interference. Accusations that will have credence with a sizable portion of the electorate.


She has 24/7 protection, would have been a whole different situation and the guy likely never getting near to breaking in the house before being stopped.


I’m genuinely confused by this account of the Bolsonaro story. NPR’s report this morning said he didn’t exactly concede the election, but his chief of staff, who addressed reporters after B. spoke, said he would be leading the transition to Lula’s administration. And the federal courts have order police to break up the blockades on the highways. So, as I say, I don’t know how to make sense of that report and the one here on Morning Memo.


Remember the meme after hurricane Katrina. One picture, usually featuring Whites showed people foraging for goods. The other picture, featuring Black and brown folks taking items from an open store it was considered to be looting.


When out and about recently I have noted less and less mask wearing. I wear one always when out of my house on errands. Folks do not realize covid is still here and very much a danger even if vaccinated because there are several co-existing variants that can evade the vaccines. And they’re highly infectious. And dangerous. And the flu is roaring back because of the fewer masks.


And flash forward a couple years later when whites were asked about Katrina…and they laid the blame on Obama.


Via Hackwhackers:

"The level of just plain crazy, violent, hate rhetoric coming out of Republicans … I want voters to stop and ask themselves: Would we trust somebody who is stirring up these violent feelings? Who is pointing fingers, scapegoating, making a joke about a violent attack on Paul Pelosi? Why would you trust that person to have power over you, your family, your business, your community?”Hillary Clinton, on MSNBC’s " The ReidOut ," making a point about the rotted out fascist party making its fearmongering election pitch about “crime,” while downplaying, scapegoating and joking about the violent crime perpetrated against Speaker Pelosi’s 82- year- old husband by a QAnon/MAGA nut (aren’t they all?).

Hillary is STILL correct.


They’re not mutually exclusive. Trump delayed on transition for three weeks, but that was underway for well over a month by the time he launched his insurrection.

The courts are not on his side, Bolsonaro not only didn’t call on his supporters to stop, but celebrated “peaceful protesters”.

Too many parallels right now. Quite easy to look at the facts and see him wanting an uprising by his MBGA (make Brazil great again) truckers that foments unrest and then he sadly has to crack down and just can’t turn over the presidency after all.


Bolsonaro also didn’t call on his supporters to end the hundreds of roadblocks they set up in protest against his defeat as they waited for him to speak.

Bolsonaro might allow the transition to start, does not mean he will allow the transition to complete. Bolsonaro, who happens to be smarter than Trump, it’s not going to trust Krakens, Giulianis or any other two bit lawyer. He is going to have his supporters create enough chaos (maybe even blame it on Lula supporters) enough to warrant to deploy the military on the streets, have Lula arrested or exiled, annul the election and call for another election in circumstances he will be ensured to win.


A Cop’s Cop if there ever was one!

Suicides in college? Obviously those students were losers who just needed a slap across the face./s

Not that science matters to these fearmongers, but studies have shown that seniors, even those who live alone, live longer when they have pets.


The problem is that you have to actively deploy those measures. My guess is that Mr. Pelosi didn’t have the alarm on. Maybe he forgot to cut it on or maybe he turns it on right before he gets in bed. I’m not at all blaming the man. Everybody has their routine and even if you know you’re under constant threat it’s almost impossible to remain constantly hyper-vigilant and live any semblance of a normal life.

Because there’s no political cost to NOT opposing political violence. None at all. There is, however, a political cost in opposing it. There are very likely to lose their primary if they openly reject political violence or they could tamp down enthusiasm within their base in the general election. If there were a political cost to refusing to oppose violence they would do so, but there isn’t so they won’t.


Situational observation: FIFA World Cup soccer starts Nov 20. Kinda kills the vibe of a rabid nation celebrating its outstanding soccer team when you stage a military coup in the middle of it.


What Hillary and everyone else doesn’t understand is half the country has the same sociopathic fascist mindset as those they are electing. Standing on the shoreline a fetid swamp is downright unappealing and noxious. But if you’re swimming in it every day it’s your home.


“part of the indoctrination”

Yes it is. Ask me how I know…image

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So we just let folks continue to crime their way thru life cuz of hurted fee fees?

A few days ago fraud was committed on my bank card. It occurred in Alabama a state I have never visited. $1200 was the attempted theft. I spoke to the police here in Tucson and this lazy cop said they would not send a detective to Alabama. I asked if the phone on his desk did long distance. He was not pleased. Then he said no crime cuz no money lost. I pointed to federal law on bank card fraud only needs the attempt for there to be crime. I knew going in I would fail getting their interest cuz reasons.
And goobers bitch about rising crime

Look, trump tried to commit sedition on J6. I would call it treason myself. Do we let that go? Do we let him steal state secrets cuz it might affect an election? I think we should not. Then again I have a limit as to how much crime should be forgotten.
Sorry about venting but I am angry (not at you!!) at just letting trump fucking get away with whatever the fuck he wants.
Of course there will be a shit show when trump is indicted. I have seen shit shows before. 500,000 on the DC Mall protesting the Vietnam war. We will survive.



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