A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo.
It turns out that the U.S. Capitol Police’s surveillance cameras outside House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) home caught the break-in in real time on Friday. Officers monitoring the department’s 1,800-odd cameras didn’t immediately notice the intruder. When San Francisco Police arrived at the Pelosi residence, flashing police lights appeared on the screen and caught the attention of Capitol Police, according to the Washington Post, CNN, and the New York Times.
Remember the GOP spreading lies about healthcare death panels during the ACA development? Shocker, it was projection all along. Also love the commitment to their beloved small government here.
“* A spokesperson for Michels denied that the candidate was promising single-party rule, telling the Washington Post that Michels just meant that his policies would be so popular, “voters will reward” Republicans in future elections.”
Complete nonsense. Michels knows the future and is certain that his policies will be popular? For starters, “Handmaid’s Tale” garners high ratings, but not because it’s viewed as some sort of utopian future. Similarly, petrodollars can’t prop up climate change denial for much longer.
Not that I’m aware of. Speaker Pelosi gets added security because she’s next in line of succession, but it’s aimed at protecting her and not her family. Only the President and Vice President get family protection, and that’s Secret Service not CP.
I would assume the cameras at her California home are never turned off to make sure nobody is messing with the house, planting a bomb or something when she’s away.
“This court is not a trained historian,” Reeves wrote in an order released last week. “The justices of the Supreme Court, as distinguished as they may be, are not trained historians,” he continued. “And we are not experts in what white, wealthy and male property owners thought about firearms regulation in 1791,” he said.
The Bruen decision, he said, requires him to “play historian in the name of constitutional adjudication.”
Reeves, who sits on the United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi, ordered the parties, including the Justice Department, to brief him on whether he should appoint a historian within 30 days. “Not wanting to itself cherry-pick the history, the Court now asks the parties whether it should appoint a historian to serve as a consulting expert in this matter,” he said.
My roommate and I had a cat on campus in dorm housing back in the 70s. Wasn’t allowed then, either. This isn’t anything new, to me anyway, but just another rage trigger for the Right.
The status of the documents has emerged as relevant to the criminal investigation surrounding Trump’s mishandling of national security materials since it could strengthen a potential case that the former president was in violation of state secrecy laws.
Trump and advisers such as Patel have claimed repeatedly since the FBI search in August that the documents bearing classification markings found at the property had in fact been declassified before the former president departed the White House.
A woman’s medical decisions should be between her, her physician, and her home-owners association. Why do all you libz have a problem with this? This is how we get big government off our backs.
But Bolsonaro, who had claimed he’d only lose the election if it were rigged, refused to recognize da Silva’s victory. He just thanked his supporters for voting for him.
So Bolsonaro wants to go full Donnie: he wants the coup, but without his fingerprints on it and, when it comes to responsibility, it should all be on the very special people who just couldn’t rein in their enthusiasm and defer to democratic processes.
I wish, both, the role model and his mimic an equal lack of success.