Capitol Police Surveillance Cams Caught Pelosi Home Break-In

Nice place to live and raise a family
Sheriff has ‘no regrets’ over shooting after telling public to shoot looters ‘like grated cheese’ - Raw Story - Celebrating 18 Years of Independent Journalism
On Tuesday, the Orlando Sentinel reported that the sheriff of Polk County, Florida is unapologetic after he told his constituents to shoot home intruders “like grated cheese” — and then two of his constituents opened fire on an innocent woman.

Sheriff Judd Grady’s initial remarks came on Fox News in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, as he was urging people to protect themselves. “I would highly suggest that if a looter breaks into your home, comes into your home while you’re there to steal stuff, that you take your gun and you shoot him," said Grady. "You shoot him so that he looks like grated cheese. Because you know what? That’s one looter that won’t break into anyone else’s home …”

The next week, two of Judd’s local constituents did indeed open fire on someone they suspected of being an attempted intruder — except Judd said they targeted an innocent woman who just happened to be in their neighborhood. She was sitting in her car, looking at her phone," reported Scott Maxwell. “Also, their house hadn’t actually been burglarized. The father and son had misunderstood a Ring doorbell alert, Judd said. Fortunately, both shooters missed but were still arrested.”

Judd said Tuesday he had no regrets about urging citizens to instinctively shoot, saying ‘society can never stop the one-offs in life,’" said the report.

Judd is not the only Florida sheriff to advise citizens to shoot intruders. In August, Sheriff Bob Johnson of Santa Rosa County even stated that shooting home intruders would “save taxpayers money.”


Meanwhile Steve Lenin continues to push his Bolshevik agenda as he campaigns for his allies.


There are limits in what they can do, and what government wants to pay for. There are probably banks of monitors showing cameras at many secured locations at the CP headquarters, and it’s impractical to have an officer stare at that one monitor (or several) at her house 24/7.

Image recognition AI is getting better. My Google Home doorbell camera sends me a text alert telling me a package has been dropped at my front door, and not just a person approaching. That’s impressive. But it’s not good enough to know if the guy approaching Pelosi’s house is there for an Amazon delivery, an electrician arriving for a repair job, or for planting a bomb.

The cameras aren’t the only security she has when she’s home. She travels with a protection detail, and they may have live-in accommodations in the house. I’m not going to explore that subject further because I have an aversion to FBI agents showing up at my door. :grimacing:


I’m hoping he gets Mussolini’d.

Nip this new right-wing game of “either I win or I burn it all down and stay in office anyway”. It’s not a pretty game.


Oops, they did it again.


Judge won’t dismiss election workers’ suit against Giuliani (

ATLANTA (AP) — A federal judge on Monday declined to dismiss a defamation lawsuit filed against former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani by two women who served as election workers in Georgia in November 2020.


Tim Michels, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers’ (D) Republican rival, declared during a campaign event on Monday that Republicans “will never lose another election in Wisconsin after I’m elected governor.”



I beLieve Just The members.


I haven’t read an explanation for that wtf flag / background. Any ideas?

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Just another reason to hate Fox – their dislike of cats. I wonder when they’re going to express their ire at dogs.


Motion detectors have been around for quite a while. Sound detectors that can pick up a window being broken are pretty common. A Chihuahua would wake up Mr. Dobie. Health alert necklace panic buttons get pdq response. There are all kinds of security commonly available that coulda shoulda woulda protected a very important person who is routinely threatened with death by Republican Party stochastic violence.

Yes. Something stinks.


That’s the state of Arizona flag.


As for Josh’s editorial on the North Carolina reactionary’s plan to create Oz-inspired abortion panels composed of doctors and politicians, it sounds like he’s proposing a kind of medical soviet.
Obviously, there will be ‘outsider’ input, but concerned citizens will be able to rest assured that the aparatchiks will see to it that the decisions conform to the Party’s priorities.
Not surprising from a reactionary party that in so many ways seems like a Platonic shadow of the Bolshevik soviet system, as in their proposals for elections that will be decided in much the same way.


How can someone be on a “suicide mission” and have “other targets”?


They are all “snowflakes” who need a “slap in the face” because this is “part of the indoctrination” and the “kids are the problem.”

Screw Fox.


These efforts need to have a definite down side. Otherwise, we can pretty much write off democratic governance as a casualty of this rightward swing of the political pendulum.


Suicide-by-cop at whatever point he’s stopped moving through the list of targets. I guess.


I mean we could just start shipping them to Gitmo and put them in a little cell with Justin Bieber’s Greatest Hits blaring 24/7 until they scrape all their fingers to the bone trying to claw their way out.


“Fux and Friends” are all “snowflakes,” and that bitch wagging her finger needs a “slap in the face.”
F&F is “part of the indoctrination” and Fux is the problem."

Fixed it.


As Tucker would doubtless have it, innovations for the new gulag.