So the Pelosi break-in was caught on video? Well then, that means daddy trump was caught in a lie he told about it … … again
I yearn for civility and honesty in people with public and very influental fire hose megaphones. But what we all see is destructive, baseless lies that are personally hurtfull to the real victim. If it were me suffering this abuse from trump it would be time for a defamation suit. What i really think should happen is an infarct in a couple trump coronary arteries from all the grease he eats.
It’s been almost 50 years since I left Pa., so a lot of the memories are at best hazy.
In terms of generalities, however, that was the way it was there when steel was king.
No more, I’ve heard.
So the right has their analog of socialist realism as well?
Somehow, it’s not surprising.
Wealthy Republican donor Robert Beadles offered two options to county commissioners when falsely accusing Nevada’s Washoe County registrar of voters of counting fraudulent votes: “either fire her or lock her up.”
Following the meeting, County Registrar Deanna Spikula’s office was inundated with threats and harassing calls from people convinced she was part of an effort to rig the 2020 election against former President Donald Trump, according to an investigation by Reuters.
Fearing for her family’s safety, Spikula submitted her resignation a few months later.
Never saw grated cheese with bullet holes and blood. What is the sheriff eating??
Maybe it was the catsup on his baconator fries (new from Wendy’s)?
I cannot get over the stupid.
They could enhance their security by strongly attaching interestingly designed wrought iron to fit over their windows and doors. You see a lot of that in Latin America.
Maybe SF police are trained not to shoot every single person they see in a struggle. Besides, if the two were hand in hand and it was dark shooting the right one might have been tricky.
Can you imagine the headlines if Pelosi was killed by police?
Did someone say litter boxes?
Totally sane ex-Army guy says “Hey, you - prove a negative. Of course, there is no litter box now. Negative publicity made them remove it.”
I knew people in college particularly an resident assistant who kept a cat in his dorm room. Nothing really controversial about it but they did have restrictions on dogs as well as varmints.
Republicans love a good shit show.
(And just a friendly reminder if you vote on a paper ballot, fill in the circle or square completely. Anal retention means less rejection.)
It’s America with more guns than brains.
That is a blast from the past. I haven’t seen that character in years.
And that short bit of text illustrated the point precisely.
Can you imagine the headlines if the failure to employ lethal force against an assailant lead to the death of Pelosi directly as a result of the ensuing assault?
It’s likely enough that that’s their sponsors vision: smaller polities are easier for a large corporation to control.
I’d not be surprised to learn that the rentier and their Dixiecrat allies are acting out their resentments against the various ways in which the 20th century federal government ‘interfered’ in their affairs.
Biden to deliver a speech tonight at 7 in DC
Wonder how many TV stations will show it??
That WaPo article from last week that showed whites are now more likely than POC to die from COVID showed, moreover, that those dying tended to Republicans.
Heh heh…how 'bout his “big announcement” the day he gets indicted? Then he can make his announcement from jail.